Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Space Problems, Sh*t Problems, Minnesota Problems

    In the premiere episode of Wyatt Cenac's “Problem Areas” he focuses on fixes for manure polluting waterways, but mostly on policing in America, with an in-depth review of what happened with the death of Philando Castile by a police officer in a suburb of St. Paul, Minn. The show looks at the lack of standards or regulation in how police are trained, and explores how another police force in Ramsey County addresses the issue in the hiring process by focusing on character. But the show also makes it clear there is no one solution to fixing policing in this country.

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  • Organizations Tackle Invasive Tree Species in Animas Basin near Durango

    As the name implies, Russian olive trees are not native to the United States, but have taken over many regions due to their ability to outgrow and outcompete native plant species. Organizations are working together in Durango, Colorado to fight back against this invasive plant species, however.

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  • A Year Later, Fewer Deportations in Cities That Adopted “Welcoming” Policies

    In the state of New Mexico, policy makers, activists, religious leaders, and the community are all working hand in hand to make the state a safe harbor for undocumented immigrants. The state is refusing to cooperate with ICE and aside from California is one of the most friendly to immigrants. A community organizer says, “We wanted to push back against this narrative that ICE just gets to come in our communities and kidnap people from their homes.”

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  • Meet the New Mexico towns where less connectivity is more

    Without much support from local governments, unincorporated towns turn to personal connections to sustain themselves. In the towns of Kingston and Hillsboro, in southern New Mexico, residents cherish their social networks—community boards and face-to-face interactions. Residents push back against suggestions to increase cellphone and internet service, choosing, instead, to embrace their niche culture.

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  • Capitalism for Good: Kensington Avenue Storefront Challenge

    Shift Capital, a mission-driven real estate group in Philadelphia, tried a new tactic to bring business back to an old neighborhood. The Kensington Avenue Storefront Challenge asked businesses to apply for open storefront space as well as funding, and nine winners were selected based on financial viability and ability to impact the community. This form of development aims to fight gentrification in an inclusive way.

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  • App used in city of Canton puts power in the hands of citizens for reporting and tracking problems

    The mayor’s office in Canton, Ohio recently implemented SeeClickFix, an app that allows local residents to share pictures of problems they see, such as potholes and abandoned cars. The complaints get added to a list for City Hall to address. This app is empowering residents to play a role in improving their own neighborhood, and the app has been a cost-effective way to create change in cities across Ohio and even around the globe.

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  • Apple Now Runs On 100% Green Energy, And Here's How It Got There

    In 2014, Apple reached a milestone by turning their Nevada data center into a 100 percent renewable energy-powered structure thanks to the implementation of solar farms. Just four years later, the company has just reached another milestone - all of its facilities are powered by renewable energy. This step is all part of their efforts to spearhead a focus on environmental initiatives in the tech industry.

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  • Community groups help Colorado counties participate in Superfund process

    When lead and arsenic levels threatened the communities in Southeastern Colorado, the Environmental Protection Agency was asked to step in. In order to have a seat at the table when decisions were being made, community members in the city of Pueblo created a Community Advisory Group. This allowed them to not only increase their understanding of possible decisions, but also offer feedback. It has also offered a model for surrounding communities that are facing similar situations.

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  • Four Pueblos Build Their Own Internet Access

    Faced with slow and expensive internet service, the Middle Rio Grande Pueblo Tribal Consortium was created to establish four New Mexico Pueblos to improved service through collective work, collective bargaining, and federal funding. With improved service, people can continue to live on the Pueblo and access necessary tools for work and school as well as modern conveniences.

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  • Jakarta's urban poor have found a way to fight City Hall - and win

    One kampung in Jakarta, or “informal urban neighborhood,” fought back against a city that didn’t want the neighborhood to exist. There has been a trend for these small neighborhoods to be bulldozed in the name of development, but the “progress” threatens the homes and livelihoods of thousands of families. Now, volunteers are helping these small kampungs remain politically active and continue to make positive change.

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