Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Mayor's Youth Climate Action Council

    Los Angeles’ Mayor’s Youth Climate Action Council allows a group of 14 local youth to work with the mayor and city council on climate goals and initiatives. They meet monthly to set their own agenda, vote on priorities, connect with city resources and organizations, and bring their projects to life.

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  • Inmates are using VR to learn real-world skills

    A number of state corrections departments are using virtual reality to teach inmates a range of basic skills they might've missed the chance to acquire while incarcerated. The VR programs have helped reduce aggressive behavior, facilitate empathy with victims, and drop recidivism rates. A short-term pilot initiative in Alaska, for example, incorporated mindfulness techniques through VR that resulted in decreased reports of depressive or anxious feelings and fewer disciplinary write-ups.

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  • Grandmother's battalion: how elderly Zhytomyr residents help the front

    The Grandmother's Battalion is an initiative organized by the organization Care for the Elderly in Ukraine. Retired volunteers sew and distribute items such as pillows, work gloves, underwear, socks, and other needed clothing to Ukrainian soldiers fighting on the front lines.

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  • Campaña del mes: señalá la falta de accesibilidad arquitectónica y ayudá a derribar barreras

    Acceso Ya trabaja desde 2004 señalando los obstáculos físicos que afrontan quienes tienen movilidad reducida. Cuenta con un centro de denuncias con el cual podés señalar lugares de la ciudad de Buenos Aires en los que no pueden circular personas con movilidad reducida.

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  • How two queer filmmakers helped save lesbian bars in the US from extinction

    After learning that the number of lesbian bars across the U.S. was dwindling, two filmmakers launched the show “The Lesbian Bar Project” which spotlights the bars’ significance to their communities. Along with the show, they crowdfunded $300,000 to help financially support the surviving bars.

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  • Queens pols unveil winning participatory budgeting projects

    Through participatory budgeting, New York residents can propose and vote for community improvement projects through their local city council. In one Queens City Council district, more than 2,300 people aged 11 and up voted to allocate funding to five projects, including new trees and sidewalk guards, new X-ray equipment for the area hospital, and a hydroponic science lab for a local school.

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  • Cities reviving downtowns by converting offices to housing

    Across the country, cities are pursuing office-to-housing conversions after the pandemic decimated downtown business districts. A percentage of these new apartments are required to be offered at affordable, below-market rates and some cities are also offering tax breaks for developers to incentivize these conversions.

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  • A Caribbean island's quest to become the world's first climate-resilient nation

    On its journey to become the first climate-resilient nation, Dominica created an early warning system for extreme weather. Once the warning reaches the national level, the information is distributed to communities where a network of local authorities spread the word. From there, neighbors and friends check in with each other, and traditional conch shells are blown as a warning, too.

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  • What could $1 billion do for Puerto Rico's energy resilience? Residents have ideas.

    Community-led energy projects are improving access to electricity for Puerto Ricans. One such project, led by a cooperative in Castañer, established two microgrids with backup batteries to keep the power running after an outage.

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  • The Push To Reimagine LA's Streets And Alleyways To Fight Both Drought And Floods

    Los Angeles organizations and neighborhoods are teaming up to create Green Alleys that mitigate flooding. These alleys consist of permeable pavement and native plants and trees that all help direct water underground, as well as streetlights and murals that make them welcoming community spaces.

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