Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Utah bucked alcohol industry with its tougher DUI law. A new study shows it made roads safer.

    In an attempt to reduce fatal car crashes, Utah lowered the legal blood alcohol content limit to .05% and saw a dramatic decrease in fatal crashes. The state’s fatal crash rate dropped 19.8% from 2016 to 2019 and in 2019 deaths on the road fell to 248, compared to 281 in 2016.

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  • Cooperativas de reparto en bici vs apps

    Repartidores en bicicleta en la Ciudad de México aprenden de las experiencias de cooperativismo de repartidores de otros países, como Francia, y ante la emergencia del COVID-19 y las situaciones vividas durante la pandemia , se organizan en colectivos para repratir producto, que luego se transforman en empresas cooperativas que les da mejores garantías y les permite generar sus propio modelo de negocio.

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  • From a Fact-Finding Visit to Providing Safe Water for Sauka Community

    The international organization Riders for Health provided an electric generator to a community in Nigeria to power their water pump and get them access to clean drinking water.

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  • The City Owned by Locals

    Incremental investment is gaining momentum in South Bend as an alternative to big developers. Residents are given the network and knowledge to become micro-developers so that ownership and money stay within the local economy. The project aims to cultivate community and strengthen the local economy.

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  • ¿Cómo lograr que una ciudad sea amigable con envejecer?

    Una alianza público-privada entre organizaciones no gubernamentales y gobiernos locales está fomentando la transformación de las ciudades en Costa Rica para que sean amigables con las personas mayores y consecuentemente promotoras del envejecimiento saludable.

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  • To save South Island forests, community support is critical, and not enough

    After millions of dollars, community campaigns and intense grassroots efforts, conservationists were able to save a beloved forest, Mountain Road Forest, one of few forested parcels left. The parcel, which is 50 acres, is on Vancouver Island, where land is "heavily privatised" and it takes an intense amount of effort from community members to save these properties from being bought up by developers.

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  • Cleveland's reforesting efforts take root in once-redlined neighborhoods

    Activists in Cleveland, Ohio are reforesting the city's vacant lots one community garden at a time. Gwen Garth, a local activist in the city, partnered up with churches, in order to create a long-term plan to plant gardens to also increase tree canopy in the city in a more equitable approach by focusing on historically redlined neighborhoods. The plan includes reaching 30% tree canopy by 2040, which means planting 361,000 new trees.

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  • Q&A: Jessica Davis of Rebuilders Xchange, a hub for salvaged building materials

    Salvaged building materials are staying out of the landfill as a result of this circular economy initiative. Rebuilders Xchange is taking tubs, sinks, hardwood floors, and any other constructions materials to reuse and resell. They also offer services to repair and refit materials into new spaces.

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  • Growing Community in Vacant Chicago Lots

    On average, community gardens don't last longer than a decade, but Harambee Garden in Chicago is defying the odds during its 12th year in operation. A large part of its success lies in the involvement of local churches, library, firehouse, and multiple youth volunteer organizations, one which even paired local high school students with adult mentors.

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  • How Cleveland is salvaging old buildings to create a new circular economy

    Developers in Cleveland are salvaging building parts that can be reused in other construction projects. The sustainable initiative known as deconstructing helps reduce carbon footprints and helps avoid the “high social and environmental costs of dumping demolition material in landfills.”

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