Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Pontevedra, o cómo atajar las muertes por atropello convirtiéndose en Ciudad 30

    La implementación de zonas peatonales, restricciones de parqueo y disminución de la velocidad máxima de circulación de vehículos ha permitido que la ciudad de Pontevedra reduzca en casi su totalidad las muertes por atropello y además ha regresado los espacios públicos a las poblaciones más vulnerables, como la niñez y adolescencia.

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  • Turkey Bets on Green Card

    A program in Turkey allows residents to recycle its waste, and in return, receive points that can be used to pay for goods or be withdrawn as cash from an ATM. When the Green Neighbor Card program launched in 2016, the first month saw residents turning in over 8,700 kilograms of waste. By 2020, it has grown to 200,000 kilograms a month. Some say the program has some flaws, but residents have earned 5.3 million liras since the program began.

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  • Maryland Town Turns Flood Zone into a Tourist Attraction

    When algae overgrowth began to plague the Carroll Creek flood control project, a group of volunteers cultivated 1,000 floating canopies of plants to block the sunlight that algae need to grow, allowing the community to maintain the effective underground concrete conduits that move storm water. 250 volunteers maintain the plants throughout the year and the creek, previously made unusable by the algae, now draws tourists to see various attractions.

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  • Plastic As Tuition: A School In Lagos Is Reducing Waste, Providing Quality Education All At Once

    The Recycles Pay Educational Project allows parents in Ajegunle to collect and exchange plastic waste as tuition for their childrens' education. Isrina Schools has seen its enrollment climb since starting the program and has been able to recycle more than 5,000 kilograms of polyethylene terephthalate bottles.

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  • How women-friendly design could make Philly a more livable city for all

    As the result of a photography exhibit that highlighted the gender inequality built into public transportation, Vienna directed resources to make urban planning more equitable. The city now prioritizes more streetlights to address public safety concerns, wider sidewalks to accommodate strollers, more benches, apartment buildings with stroller storage spaces, and more. The efforts have resulted in more accessible infrastructure, increasing not just the quality of life for women, but for all residents of the city.

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    The River Basin Authority, which selects a few locations each year to provide potable water and sanitation interventions, completed development projects in Igbo that improved the community’s quality of life. To facilitate agricultural use of the vast land in the community, the authority constructed an access road to help farmers take their produce from their farms to local markets, where they can sell them to make a sustainable living. They also provided irrigation access and solar-powered boreholes to provide potable water, reducing the risk of water-borne diseases like cholera.

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  • “Meet a Jew,” Germany's New Scheme to Convince the Country That Jews Are People

    Through the "Meet a Jew" program launched by the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Jewish volunteers visit schools, universities, sports clubs, and religious centers to share their stories with non-Jewish Germans and combat growing antisemitism. The initiative held 540 sessions in 2021 to facilitate conversations about what it means to be Jewish and how Jews fit into German society.

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  • The Biggest Crop in Prison Gardens: Hope

    A gardening program for correctional facilities is introducing incarcerees to vocational gardening and landscaping, but also provides much more than a chance to get their hands dirty. Insight Garden Program provided a “safe space” for introspection and growth, reduced anxiety and depression, and then eventually helped formerly incarcerated people adjust to life after prison with services that include housing.

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  • To clean up East Baltimore, this mentor shores up buildings – and youths

    A community organization focuses on the wellbeing of young people in order to prevent violence. Members are mentored and taught martial arts by founder, Munir Bahar. Young residents also help clean up their neighborhood, hold food drives, and lead anti-violence marches.

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  • Garsaus belgų virtuvės šefo projektas sujaudino šalį: prie puodų migrantus pastačiusio meistro restoranas tapo įžymybe

    Maistą gaminti mėgstantys migrantai sklandžiai integruojasi į Belgijos visuomenę, nes jiems padeda pripažintas ir garsus virtuvės šefas. 4 mėnesius jis moko atvykėlius virtuvės meistriškumo, interpretuoja tradicinę migrantų virtuvę kartu kurdamas naujus patiekalus, dalį apmokytųjų paskui įdarbina pats arba išleidžia į darbo rinką, kur jie tampa geidžiamais darbuotojais kituose restoranuose ir maisto įstaigose.

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