Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Electric school bus helps Latina moms combat air pollution

    There are about 480,000 school buses in the country, less than one percent of them are electric. Replacing diesel school buses with electric ones would reduce greenhouse emissions by 5.3 million tons a year, it would also be better for students lungs. More than 4 in 10 people in the country live in neighborhoods with unhealthy air. In Arizona, a group of mom's organized and were able to convince the school board to purchase and electric bus. Then, they garnered votes to help pass a bond to purchase the bus.

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  • Joniškis rado būdą, kaip išgydyti nenorą dirbti: darbdavių ir bedarbių pasimatymai tapo privalomi

    Joniškis per mažiau nei metus beveik dvigubai sumažino ilgalaikį nedarbą. Individualios konsultacijos su darbo neturinčiais žmonėmis, susitikimai su potencialiais darbdaviais, įvairių socialinių paslaugų pritaikymas sudarant geriausias sąlygas dirbti - lėmė, kad šimtai joniškiečių vėl tapo dirbančiais ir užsidirbančiais savo pragyvenimui.

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  • Cycling city Kigali sprints to promote smart and green mobility

    In an effort to go carbon-neutral, city officials in Kigali, Rwanda, are improving bicycling infrastructure and partnering with a green transportation company to implement a bicycle ride sharing program with docking stations across the city.

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  • Tumaini la Kina Mama

    Kupitia chama cha kuwekeza pesa kwa jumla, kundi la wanawake wenye watoto walemavu wanatiana moyo na kuinuana kiuchumi baada ya kuachwa na waume wao. Kila Jumamosi wanachama hukutana na kuchangisha angalau shilingi mia moja kila mmoja. Pesa hiyo hupeanwa kwa aliyetembelewa ilhali nyingine huwekwa kama akiba ambayo mwanachama anaweza kupewa kama mkopo au msaada wakati wa dharura.

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  • Después de un fracaso, nuevo impulso abre puertas a la educación temprana en Tucsón

    Una iniciativa para invertir en educación temprana en Tucson fracasó en las urnas. A pesar de esa limitación, un consorcio público-privado ha logrado expandir el acceso a programas como Head Start.

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  • Sanitation solutions: How giving people trash bins made Baltimore cleaner

    Baltimore’s green bin program shows there are relatively simple steps cities can take to tangibly improve the cleanliness of neighborhoods. The solution is also working in Philadelphia, through which people who live in the city are lidded trash cans and bins to store their garbage.

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  • Sanitation Solutions: How hidden cameras became Philly's fiercest weapon in the war on dumping

    Philadelphia has 300 surveillance cameras and, increasingly, sees them as central to its strategy of holding individuals accountable for illegal dumping. This has led to empty lots remaining garbage free, and setting examples of those who are caught and prosecuted.

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  • Sanitation Solutions: When the city let them down, Philly rose up — with orange trash cans

    A Philadelphia-based program called I Love Thy Hood's stepped up to help attack the city's dirty streets problem. Fueled entirely by volunteer efforts, the program has placed more than 106 cans on blocks around the city and collected over 100,000 pounds of trash.

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  • Trys Lietuvos regionų sėkmės istorijos: vaikai, gyvenantys šeimoje, ir antri metai be didelių globos institucijų

    Telšiuose ir Kelmėje nebėra nė vieno vaiko, kuris augtų vaikų globos namuose - visi globojami šeimose namų aplinkoje; Elektrėnuose taip pat nebėra didelių vaikų globos namų - liko mažesni ir jaukesni bendruomeniniai namai. Savivaldybių parūpintos finansinės paskatos globėjams ir bendradarbiavimas su bendruomene padėjo užtikrinti, kad neliktų nė vieno vaiko, neturinčio namų.

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  • Co-op restaurants: pipe-dream or practical solution?

    Worker-owned cooperative restaurants are giving employees ownership of, and a voice in, their workplace while removing the single-person dependency of the traditional restaurant structure.

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