Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Yadda wasu jama'ar unguwa ke tallafawa asibiti domin al'umma a Kano

    Yan unguwa sun cire takaicin yan'uwa masu zuwa asibiti dake fuskantar kalubalai daban daban. Hadin hannu da kungiyuyi wurin ci ma burin tallafa wa asibitoci da kuman kara jindadin jama'a masu zuwa.

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  • Pour Flush Toilets Eradicate Typhoid in Katunguru Village

    Katunguru village reduced Cholera and Typhoid outbreaks by building and transitioning to pour flush toilets rather than pit latrines. Pour flush toilets require just a five-foot pit, so waste water doesn’t mix with drinking water and are inexpensive to maintain. A user pours in water to flush the toilet through an S-shaped pipe. In addition to stopping disease outbreaks, residues from filled pits are used as manure and ash from kitchens are sprinkled inside after each use to prevent odors and dry up waste residues. Pour flush toilets are not constructed with wood, so they also minimize local deforestation.

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  • Wer baut uns die besten Wohnungen?

    Neue Genossenschaften bauen auch in teuren Vierteln bezahlbare Wohnungen mit vielen gemeinschaftlichen Elementen; KoDörfer locken Städter mit besonderen Angeboten auf's Land; und auch der soziale Wohnungsbau geht neue Wege und versucht, die Fehler der Vergangenheit hinter sich zu lassen: Drei Beispiele, wie sich bezahlbarer Wohnraum samt Lebensqualität schaffen lässt.

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  • Youth Volunteers On The Frontline To Curb The Spread Of COVID-19

    Youth volunteers in Rwanda are keeping their communities safe by reminding people to follow coronavirus safety guidelines. Volunteers enforce social distancing, masks, and hygiene, in addition to fighting misinformation about the virus.

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  • Jama'ar unguwa na gina wa kansu kwalbati ta kusan miliyan 5 a Kano

    Masu Unguwa sun dauki matakin rage matsalar yadu war cuttuka da rashin gudanar kwalbatin ke harfa (kaman chizon sauro da muma amai da gudawa) ta hanyan hada hannu da kuma tarin kudi da al'umma, maza da mata. Jama'a sun fara ganin amfanin aiki da che wa cuttutuka sun ragu duk da che wa ba an kammala saran aikin kwalbatin ba.

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  • This Experiential Learning Farm Helps Youth Build a Better World

    Low-income communities of color have less access to nature, they experience "nature deprivation" at a rate three times higher than white people. Regular access to the outdoors improves respiratory health, physical fitness, cognitive functioning, and psychological well-being. The Freetown Farm was conceived as a place where all people can experience nature. Its exposing young people of all backgrounds to nature. Through its year-long internship program learned how to plant food, among other things.

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  • The library where the books are people

    The Human Library hosts one-on-one conversations between people who have faced prejudice (they're the "books" that get borrowed) and "readers" who yearn to ask awkward questions that they've never been comfortable asking. "Books" tell about being transgender, an immigrant, polyamorous, a wheelchair user, a former gang member, and more. The events spread to dozens of countries, funded by corporations that hire The Human Library to help their employees learn about diversity in its many forms. Both the "readers" and the "books" can experience deep connections in only a half-hour encounter.

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  • How to integrate community leaders into pandemic preparedness

    Community-based organizations have been key to reaching historically marginalized populations with COVID-19 information. Grassroots leaders and community workers are effective because they have built trust among communities over many years and they have first-hand knowledge of community needs and barriers. The pandemic shifted the priorities of many organizations. For example, the Self Employed Women’s Association now supplies members with PPE kits, food, and handmade masks to address the pandemic’s health and economic impacts. Proper mask usage increased significantly in the villages where they are based.

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  • Richland Carrousel Park helps trigger 30 years of economic redevelopment in Mansfield

    A community effort in Mansfield, Ohio, helped ensure the success of the Fourth and Main Street Area Urban Renewal Plan to revive the deserted downtown. The center of the plan was creating a park complete with a carousel, but it also included adding parking, demolishing vacant buildings, and cracking down on illegal activities in the area.

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  • Taswira Mpya Ya Majaa Mombasa

    Ushirikiano kati ya serikali ya Kaunti ya Mombasa na shirika za kibinafsi kama Kampuni ya Mombasa Cement yabadilisha taswira ya jaa ya taka la Kibarani kuwa bustani ya kisasa.Mbinu ambazo zimetumika kuleta mabadiliko hayo ikiwa kupiga marufuku kutupa taka kwa jaa hilo, kushirikiana na vijana kutoa taka na upandaji wa miti.

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