Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • FDA Vaccine Approval, Mandates Persuade New York City Holdouts

    Community groups in under-vaccinated areas helped tens of thousands of people get vaccinated, made slightly easier since the FDA approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and more employers requiring it. Nonprofits like the Bronx Rising Initiative, Vision Urbana, and Union Settlement are trusted messengers that have a long-standing presence in their communities. They understand their communities' needs and speak their language - both literally and figuratively. The groups conducted door-to-door educational outreach, signed people up for appointments and held community events where people could get the vaccine.

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  • Haiti's citizen seismologists helped track its devastating quake in real time

    Volunteer citizen seismologists in Haiti are collecting data on earthquakes and aftershocks with equipment provided by researchers to better understand seismic hazards and fault locations in the country.

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  • Wenye Akili Punguani Wapona Mombasa Part 1

    Shirika la kijamii Mombasa limesaidia zaidi ya watu hamsini walio na akili punguani kupona na kurejea kwa hali ya kawaida. -Kupitia matibabu maalum na makao matulivu wanapopokea mafunzo ya dini, usafi na jinsi ya kurejea kwa maisha ya kawaida, wengine wameoa na wengine wakapata ajira.

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  • Wenye Akili Punguani Wapona Mombasa Part 2

    Kwenye kipindi hiki cha pili, waliosaidika kutokana na hatua za shirika la kijamii Mombasa kunasua walio na akili punguani kutoka kwa hali hiyo wanashuhudia usaidizi walippokea. Kupitia matibabu maalum na makao matulivu wanapopokea mafunzo ya dini, usafi na jinsi ya kurejea kwa maisha ya kawaida, wameweza kutengamana tena na jamii na kupata ajira ilhali wengine ata wameanzisha familia jambo ambalo hawakuwa wanaweza tekeleza mbeleni.

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  • When Shootings Erupt, These Moms, Pastors And Neighbors Step In To Defuse Tension

    Rock Safe Streets in the Red Fern Public Houses of Far Rockaway, Queens, ramped up its violence interrupter work starting in 2020 as gun violence increased. Red Fern then went nearly a year without a single shooting. Violence interrupters work apart from the police, banking on the community's trust in formerly incarcerated counselors to mediate disputes before they turn violent. Success is measured in daily increments, and many other factors influence community violence. But the residents do what they can to influence those driving the violence.

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  • Chirripó y sus 13 guardianes

    A través de conseciones de servicios no esenciales y permisos de uso, una área protegida en Costa Rica no sólo logra tener una red de apoyo comunal que le permite proteger mejor la flora y fauna de peligros como los cazadores y los incendios forestales, pero también mejora la atención a los visitantes y tiene un impacto directo en la economía de las comunidades que le rodean.

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  • Ostional, retando el paradigma de la conservación desde 1987

    El aprovechamiento de huevos de tortuga lora (tortuga marina) que se realiza en la comunidad de Ostional desde 1987 genera controversia, pero las investigaciones demuestran que no es perjudicial para la especie, sino más bien que la relación que se ha establecido con la comunidad ha permitido no sólo proteger a la tortuga, y a la vez generar estabilidad económica en la comunidad y fortalecer su identidad como protectores de la especie.

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  • PA cities have a sewer-system problem. Green infrastructure can help — but comes with its own risks

    In many cities, rainwater is drained through "grey infrastructure" things like pipes, streets, etc. In some cities, this system is combined with the sewage system. Rainwater drains into the sewage system, is then cleaned, then emptied into the river. However, with strong storms some sewage systems overflow. A problem that will worsen with climate change. In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, rain gardens are one solution to overflowing sewage systems. Cities like Harrisburg are turning to green infrastructure, things like rain gardens, roofs with gardens, and parks, to ease the burden on gray infrastructure.

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  • An Innovative Tool to Increase Vaccine Access? The Block Party

    The Greater Lowell Health Alliance offered COVID-19 vaccines using a “block party” model where community members enjoy free food, music, activities, and even childcare, while also having access to information about vaccines in multiple languages as well as the ability to actually get vaccinated. This model reduced barriers for immigrants, refugees, and other people who don’t speak English fluently, as well as caregivers who can’t attend vaccine appointments due to their caregiving responsibilities. The relaxed environment, where loved ones can support each other, increased comfort with getting the vaccine.

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  • California's Yurok Tribe grows solutions in soil of crises

    The Yurok Tribe, located in Northern California, depends on fishing to sustain a living. However, a severe drought, the COVID-19 pandemic, and a crumbling highway severely affected the tribe. So, leaders are turning towards new ways of making an income: a community garden.

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