Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Singapurs Weg zum Eigenheim für alle

    Obwohl Singapur eine der teuersten Städte der Welt ist, besitzen 80 Prozent der Bevölkerung Wohneigentum. Durch subventionierte Preise und günstige Finanzierung ermöglicht der Staat auch sozial schwächeren Familien den Kauf einer Wohnung.

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  • Inside Nassarawa community where crop farmers, herders coexist

    As violence between herders and farmers continues in other parts of Nigeria, the Nigeria Farmers Group and Cooperative Society in the Ga’ate community has found a way to coexist and benefit from each other. By setting up grazing areas for cattle, using the manure to fertilize farms and sharing security responsibilities, the community is able to grow several crops and provide basic aid to its people.

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  • Could Sacramento's Surreal Estates experiment be the key to more housing for the creative economy?

    Surreal Estates, a tiny housing community in a city block, gives creatives a place to own homes and studios near like-minded people.

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  • A Faith-based Network Equips Youths For Peace In Violence Prone-Jos

    The Africa Faith and Justice Network trains young people on de-radicalization and collaboration efforts to end violent religious conflicts in the area. The Network teaches youth how to use dialogue and be more tolerant of different groups in an effort to avoid violence.

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  • Utah bucked alcohol industry with its tougher DUI law. A new study shows it made roads safer.

    In an attempt to reduce fatal car crashes, Utah lowered the legal blood alcohol content limit to .05% and saw a dramatic decrease in fatal crashes. The state’s fatal crash rate dropped 19.8% from 2016 to 2019 and in 2019 deaths on the road fell to 248, compared to 281 in 2016.

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  • Cooperativas de reparto en bici vs apps

    Repartidores en bicicleta en la Ciudad de México aprenden de las experiencias de cooperativismo de repartidores de otros países, como Francia, y ante la emergencia del COVID-19 y las situaciones vividas durante la pandemia , se organizan en colectivos para repratir producto, que luego se transforman en empresas cooperativas que les da mejores garantías y les permite generar sus propio modelo de negocio.

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  • From a Fact-Finding Visit to Providing Safe Water for Sauka Community

    The international organization Riders for Health provided an electric generator to a community in Nigeria to power their water pump and get them access to clean drinking water.

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  • ¿Cómo lograr que una ciudad sea amigable con envejecer?

    Una alianza público-privada entre organizaciones no gubernamentales y gobiernos locales está fomentando la transformación de las ciudades en Costa Rica para que sean amigables con las personas mayores y consecuentemente promotoras del envejecimiento saludable.

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  • Growing Community in Vacant Chicago Lots

    On average, community gardens don't last longer than a decade, but Harambee Garden in Chicago is defying the odds during its 12th year in operation. A large part of its success lies in the involvement of local churches, library, firehouse, and multiple youth volunteer organizations, one which even paired local high school students with adult mentors.

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  • Pontevedra, o cómo atajar las muertes por atropello convirtiéndose en Ciudad 30

    La implementación de zonas peatonales, restricciones de parqueo y disminución de la velocidad máxima de circulación de vehículos ha permitido que la ciudad de Pontevedra reduzca en casi su totalidad las muertes por atropello y además ha regresado los espacios públicos a las poblaciones más vulnerables, como la niñez y adolescencia.

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