Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Kenya learns to cook with solar power – even when the sun doesn't shine

    Farmers with a Vision is a community group helping install solar-powered stoves as a cleaner form of energy. The upsides include saving time, saving forests, and decreasing injuries. The biggest challenge is money, so Farmers with a Vision is connecting community members with microlenders. The increased use of solar cookstoves is an opportunity to improve health and the environment.

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  • Jerusalem Jews and Arabs bond over backgammon

    The Middle East has long been the site of conflict, but 'Jerusalem Double' is trying to ease tensions by having people from all backgrounds come together to play in backgammon tournaments. These tournaments have been very successful in sparking empathy, mentorship, discussion and bringing groups together.

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  • Syrian women find confidence and community in Canada through catering events

    A select group of women Syrian refugees are helping cater dinners in Vancouver, British Columbia. The dinner events, titled “Tayybeh: A Celebration of Syrian Cuisine,” help the women both earn a small living and create a support network. Anyone is able to buy a ticket, and attendee numbers have only grown since the first event.

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  • Mobile Restrooms Offer Solution for Lower Polk's Homeless Community

    With the homeless population in San Francisco in crisis, the lack of a safe clean place for the homeless to relieve themselves has caused concerns over sanitation in the Tenderloin neighborhood. Now the city offers a mobile City Resource Relief Center, a van that offers not only a toilet but also clothes, hygiene kits, food, and coffee. The project has documented many uses of the bathroom each night.

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  • Can Oakland's Compassionate Communities program serve as a model for others?

    Under increasing pressure to remove the homeless from encampments, the San Francisco bay area has had difficulty addressing the problem of where the homeless can find refuge. Oakland has established Compassionate Communities, a piloted program lead by local government officials, which pipelines funds not toward the dissolution of encampments but rather to the creation of permanent housing. So far, the program has successfully transitioned twenty-five residents of encampments into permanent housing and is projecting to dissolve the encampments by April 2017.

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  • How Libraries are Boldly Innovating to Meet the Needs of Changing Communities

    Libraries in the United States have traditionally been centers to consume information, offering users books in quiet isolation. However, a new movement across the country is transforming libraries by providing internet access, creating spaces to study and learn, and meet with members of the community. There has even been the creation of pop-up happy hour libraries at bars, and bike book deliveries to distribute free books. These new libraries are re-inventing how communities learn and demonstrating that even the oldest institutions are elastic to communities' needs.

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  • How Amsterdam is developing a collaborative economy that works for everyone

    The city of Amsterdam is taking advantage of sharing economy and collaborative platforms. By creating the Action Plan for Sharing Economy, the city is bringing together different stakeholders. By introducing rules, regulations and desired outcomes, the city is able to take advantage of the collaborative economy.

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  • Tijuana's Getting a $61 Million Transit Makeover

    The city of Tijuana, situated at the border with the United States, uses an inefficient and expensive transportation system that relies on private drivers. However, with the help of multiple stakeholders, a new public transit system is being put into place to make transportation easier for residents.

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  • North Williams gentrified. Its park didn't. How Dawson Park survived as a black hub

    In Portland, gentrification and development have driven out African American culture and families from a neighborhood that used to feel like home. When residents found out Dawson Park, their last gathering area, would be redeveloped, they were worried about destruction of the park. Instead, African Americans have come together to preserve the park as a safe cultural space for their community members.

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  • Public art to revive a community

    Urban decay has left a "physical legacy" of past economic hardships in cities. Many cities across the world are now implementing programs that promote public art that rebuilds and reimagines neighborhoods.

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