Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A Strategy to Build Police-Citizen Trust

    The increase of violence between the police and Black communities across the country requires a reconstruction of the relationship that addresses empathy, trust, and crime reduction. The Department of Justice has developed test programs in different cities that train police officers in procedural justice. The early results of this program in Stockton, CA show that communities and police have built trust and law legitimacy, while the crime rate has not increased.

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  • The New Officer Friendly, Armed With Instagram, Tweets and Emojis

    With so much police brutality upon black men in the news, police departments across the country have been perceived with suspicion and fear. A police officer in North Little Rock has sought to change the perspective of the police through videos on social media and actions toward community policing.

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  • District policing finds success in Sun Prairie

    In Sun Prairie, policemen would frequently rotate their districts and feel that they were unable to help people who were in trouble because there was not enough time to know the residents. Now Sun Prairie has begun district policing, which positions policemen in different districts for one year before rotation. The police have found that they are able to problem solve situations better, requiring less force and more interpersonal skills, especially for individuals with mental health disorders.

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  • Policing the Police

    The Department of Justice has ordered the Newark Police Department to make reforms to its policing practices, so that public safety will not compromise the human rights. An investigation into the NPD has shown that officers made too many undocumented stops and used unjustified excessive force, resulting in community mistrust. The Newark mayor has begun re-training the police force, reworked standards for punishing police misconduct, advocated body cameras, and civilian oversight of the police department – all of which has started to improve community relations and build trust.

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  • A push to make cops carry liability insurance in Minneapolis

    Holding the police accountable for their actions is needed to build trust in the communities they police. The city of Minneapolis has created the Committee for Professional Policing, which advocates for a city charter amendment that requires the police to purchase liability insurance. In this piloted approach, the insurance provides a “financial oversight of the police” but it is still unclear if it has made the police department more accountable.

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  • Focused crime strategy finds early success. Can it work in Milwaukee?

    A law-enforcement strategy known as the "focused deterrence" approach involves identifying people most at risk to commit or to be victimized by crime — often the same individuals — and hosts meetings where they are offered resources to break the cycle, or, face serious legal consequences. The approach has worked so well in places like Kansas City, Boston, and High Point, that Milwaukee is looking at how to replicate the results.

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  • Cleveland's struggle to curb violence brings new approach: Pathways to Peace

    Operation Focus is a nationally recognized initiative to help curb gun violence; however, its effectiveness has proven to not be sustainable. The city of Cleveland has evaluated the problems of the initiative and has put forth a new plan to address underlying issues related to gun violence. Cleveland’s new approach treats violence as a preventable condition.

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  • Research shows link between joblessness and youth violence: Pathways to Peace

    A correlation exists in Cuyahoga County between the idle youth rate -- base on teens who are neither working nor in school -- and the youth violence rate, according to an analysis done for The Plain Dealer by Claudia Coulton, co-director of the Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development at Case Western Reserve University and a professor of urban social research.

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  • Where are the parents? Often standing right over their kids: Pathways to Peace

    Juvenile offenders can feel as though they have no chances for a good future. Volunteers of America’s Face Forward 2 program helps young people in Cleveland to complete their education and to find employment. With this program, juvenile offenders believe they can succeed.

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  • CMHA police build relationships as they help to solve problems

    The Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority's police force has transformed its culture using a police assistance referral program that focuses on getting people the help they need first rather than arresting them. It's a way to address the underlying issues that prompt an incident by partnering with social workers and nonprofits to help police to look at themselves as problem solvers. The majority of referrals for services focus on violence committed against or in front of children and this is one way to try and address trauma before it wreaks devastation on young lives.

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