Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Video The ex-poachers saving big cats in Russia

    The World Wildlife Fund has hired former poachers in Sailugemsky National Park, Russia to protect the snow leopard. The poachers had knowledge and experience hunting these animals, and the WWF decided to employ that knowledge in an effort to protect the species. Its numbers have increased since the WWF gave the poachers cameras, support, and funding.

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  • Santa Cruz Girls Build Violence Free Lives

    In Santa Cruz, Costa Rica, the organization Cepia has started Girls Clubs in nine different neighborhoods and are teaching young girls, ages 8-12 about female empowerment, safety, and how to report crimes. In the area, violence against women is common, which is something these Girls Clubs is hoping to prevent. The clubs have reached over 650 girls and is now developing a program for boys, to teach them about positive masculinity.

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  • In the chat room, Boston's black millennials build a community

    In a city that many people of color consider unwelcoming, social media groups offer a path to visibility and community. The group, Young, Black, and Social, connects thousands of millennials in Boston to their peers, as well as social events and services. The group coordinates with other organizations and even event promoters to create a community and make people of color who are moving to Boston feel connected.

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  • The Viral Hashtag That's Getting People to Clean Up Garbage

    Viral social media trends can be harnessed for social and environmental good. A social media#trashtag challenge that spread from Reddit to Instagram draws upon the satisfying nature of a before-and-after meme. People all over the world who participated in #trashtag challenge went out and beautified green spaces. They then posted photos of themselves surrounded by the trash bags they had collected.

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  • Border Wall Trumped by Art and Community

    Artistic collaboration transcends political barriers and can foster a transnational identity. On the US-Mexico border, initiatives like the Dreams Across Borders project, initiated by the Mexican Consulate, and the Border Arts Corridor express the shared identity of Agua Prieta, Mexico, and Douglas, Arizona. Public events staged on the border of the two towns include art walks and cross-border concerts staged with the cooperation of US Border Patrol.

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  • Fighting Weight: Eastside Boxing keeps youth off the streets

    By taking up boxing, Michigan’s youth learn to diffuse violence and cope with their stressors. Kalamazoo Eastside Boxing provides structure, mentorship, and a social outlet for disadvantaged and troubled youth across Michigan. In addition to keeping young people off of the streets, being a part of the boxing club helps to improve their sense of self-worth.

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  • A Comeback for African National Parks

    The Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique has repopulated its large mammals by over 700 percent through collaborations between wildlife authorities and nonprofits. With millions of dollars in philanthropic assistance, the park’s revival is made possible by supporting and using local and indigenous knowledge, as well as taking a whole-community approach that provides services for those towns around African national parks. Such philanthropic approaches to conservation are part of a larger, global trend taking place in countries around the world.

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  • How Removing Asphalt Is Softening Our Cities

    Cities around the US, Canada, and the United Kingdom are removing asphalt to make space for nature. From creating rain gardens that reduce flooding to planting flowers along the edges of alleyways, residents and public officials reimagine their communities with less asphalt and more grass.

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  • The orchid whisperers: Rare blooms find an urban perch

    The Million Orchid Project has been reintroducing native, endangered plants into urban areas. From planting in school yards, to city parks, to the sides of busy roads, the initiative aims to preserve biodiversity by changing the assumption that nature has to be something separate from human society. While the project is still in early phases, it has shown indicators for progress, like the reappearance of wildlife species thought to have been extinct.

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  • ‘No men allowed': The gym getting women fit and into work

    Women only gyms are gaining popularity in Turkey, encouraging women to work out in a comfortable setting as well as to gain financial independence and entrepreneurial advice. Many of these women use their gym networks to overcome obstacles in the business community in open their own gyms, despite the pushback against women working outside of the home.

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