Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • As hundreds of golf courses close, nature gets a chance to make a comeback

    More golf courses are closing than are opening, allowing the rare opportunity to have open space in an urban environment. Restorations are becoming popular to allow wildlife and humans to make use of the natural space through the encouragement of different animals and plants to inhabit the same area as well as the development of parks and bike paths to foster human use.

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  • Urban Parks and the 10-Minute Challenge

    On average, one in three Americans don't live within ten minutes of a park. That percentage is even lower for low-income people and people of color. Because parks often can lead to better health for both individuals and communities, the Trust for Public Land, the National Recreation and Park Association, the Urban Land Institute, and the JPB Foundation have joined forced to implement a national advocacy campaign to bring attention and action to this issue.

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  • The Viking club where men fight their demons

    As the family unit in Western society is increasingly fractured, many suffering from stress, anger, and trauma often must find to alternative ways to build community and find belonging. One unique example is the Viking Festival in Wolin, Poland. More than just an event, the coordinated battles and revival of craftsmanship have allowed many to channel aggression and frustration in a constructive manner, and even helped some to rebuild their lives.

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  • Viking Therapy?

    An annual festival in Poland brings together men with a passion for recreating Viking culture and participate in competitive battles. By allowing for extreme physical expression—within the limits of safety laws and an honor system—these recreations have been psychologically beneficial both for victims and perpetrators of violence. The festival participants form strong relationship among each other creating a sense of belonging and responsibility to a group.

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  • Green movement pivots toward minorities

    The largely homogenous demographic of those working in conservation contributes to disparities in representation, which in turn can lead to issues like the Flint water crises. Now several organizations, including the Alliance for the Great Lakes in Cleveland and the Environmental Fellows program at the University of Michigan, are working to include the diverse voices of different races, ages, and backgrounds in the conversation.

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  • Paris offers a model to bring swimming to Charles River

    In many places, polluted water deters people from enjoying nature or treating waterways as spaces for community recreation. Even when the water is clean, this aversion persists. In Paris, the reveal of three public swimming pools in a once-contaminated canal is being treated as a model for other urban waterways in cities like Boston.

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  • "Boots On The Ground" For Backcountry Conservation

    As tourism activity increases on the trails throughout Colorado and crowds of mountain bikers flock to the Gunnison Valley area, a group born out of the Crested Butte Mountain Bike Association has formed to act as a boots on the ground type of coalition. From trail maintenance to educating newcomers on proper trail etiquette, the Crested Butte Conservation Corps have taken matters into their own hands.

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  • The Transformative Power of Play in Urban India

    Safe play spaces are few and far between in India's rapidly growing urban centers. One organization is making the most of limited open areas to teach kids a range of life skills.

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  • The people making films above the 60th parallel

    By leveraging technology, artists living above the 60th parallel are increasing indigenous representation in filmmaking. In Yellowknife, Canada, aRTLess Collective’s Dead North Film Festival uses live streaming to reach thousands of residents across remote—and otherwise largely inaccessible—northern areas. The film festival connects and empowers indigenous northerners to represent themselves and their culture through film.

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  • An Outside-the-Doctor's-Office Approach to Health Care

    In addition to providing tradition primary care service, clinics in Pensacola and New Orleans are working to improve community health and promote health as well as treat illness. Initiatives—identified and developed in collaboration with residents—include building safe places to play and increasing access to fresh produce.

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