Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A Faith-based Network Equips Youths For Peace In Violence Prone-Jos

    The Africa Faith and Justice Network trains young people on de-radicalization and collaboration efforts to end violent religious conflicts in the area. The Network teaches youth how to use dialogue and be more tolerant of different groups in an effort to avoid violence.

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  • How Kaduna's Warring Badarawa Communities Became Peace Observers

    The Interfaith Mediation Centre trains residents in regions stricken by religious conflict between Christians and Muslims to become Community Peace Observers who promote a culture of non-violence and intervene in potential conflict using targeted communication techniques. The effort has led communities to form their own task forces, committees, and forums around peacekeeping, and Christians and Muslims there now commingle through community events and institutions after years of strict separation.

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  • How a Newark Program Is Pushing Police and Community Members to Heal Old Wounds Together

    To address deep divisions and mistrust between the community and police, Newark launched Trauma to Trust, a conflict resolution program that brings officers and residents together for mediation and discussion. Participants receive two days of training around trauma, critical race theory, and implicit bias, and more than 500 people have taken part since the initiative began.

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  • The priests navigating Colombia's conflict zones

    Shielded by cultural deference to the Catholic church, Colombian clergy venture into conflict zones to document the clashes, provide aid, and mediate disputes between civilians and armed guerrilla groups. Their efforts have helped response organizations access difficult-to-reach areas and drawn renewed attention to the crises.

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  • The Clubhouse Room Where Israelis and Palestinians Are Actually Talking

    “Meet Palestinians and Israelis” is an online chat room on the Clubhouse app that encourages honest and vulnerable conversations that aim to humanize one another. Eighteen moderators, mostly young Israelis and Palestinians, ensure that the audio-only conversations don’t relitigate history or compare suffering, but instead share personal stories and ask questions to understand different perspectives. The moderators work in shifts to maintain the discussions and answer questions, with the non-Palestinian and non-Israeli moderators acting as third-party neutrals, settling down conversations when needed.

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  • How a contested region became a model for multilingual coexistence

    The border between Denmark and Germany was highly politicized and when it was set, Germans found themselves in Denmark and Danes found themselves in Germany. Each country is required to offer regional schools taught in the other language and some Germans have decided to send their children to Danish schools and vice versa. Over the years this has led to cultural exchanges and better relationships between the groups. It can be hard to convince Germans to learn Danish because there are just about 5.5 million native speakers, and young Danes now prefer to learn English over German.

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  • How water is helping to end 'the first climate change war'

    Cooperation and collective action work not only to mitigate the effects of climate change, they can also build bridges to peace. In El Fasher, Sudan, farmers and pastoralists along the Wadi El Ku River have come together to prevent water shortages by building weirs. The community built weirs enable the land to retain more water, and have led to increased cooperation among groups that had former resorted to conflict over scarce water resources in the region.

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  • The Courtroom of the Future Looks a Lot Like This Navajo Tradition

    Brooklyn’s Red Hook Peacemaking Program, part of the Red Hook Community Justice Center, is bringing together individuals in conflict to practice restorative justice. The program accepts cases coming through various courts, schools, and personal references, and brings together families, friends, and adversaries to participate in moderated, peacebuilding discussions. Seeing over 100 cases each year, the program has decreased recidivism rates and spread to other cities in New York.

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  • They were raped during Colombia's civil war. Now they want justice for their children.

    Following the Colombian civil war, the country enacted The Victims’ Law, which centered on providing reparations to those affected by violence and war. But since its creation, the law has only provided reparations to less than 11% of those who have applied, and for women survivors, it’s even less. Women, who are disproportionately affected by war because of the use of sexual assault, are coming together under the National Tablle for Victim’s Participation, are demanding more.

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  • How tech is bringing Israelis and Palestinians together

    Tech2Peace, a student and volunteer-led program, is working to not only teach technology skills to youth, but is also trying to improve Israeli-Palestinian relations through conflict resolution dialogue. The idea behind the solution, is that the communities have to work together in order to master the skills, and then the skills learned will allow the participants to remain in contact after the workshop is over.

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