Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The "Secret Handshake"—A Program Gifting Cannabis to Unhoused People

    In Los Angeles, the Sidewalk Project gives unhoused people gifts of marijuana to ease their anxiety and to show kindness. Since its start in the spring of 2020, the group has gifted gram-sized portions of weed nearly 1,000 times. The harm-reduction group gets its supply from growers who donate weed that isn't up to commercial-grade snuff. Evidence is mixed on whether marijuana is an effective antidote to opioid withdrawal symptoms, but Sidewalk says it has helped some by making them more relaxed. Personal use of marijuana is legal in California, with restrictions on quantities that can be transferred.

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  • The rise of the land salmon

    In Florida, a land-based salmon farming operation has optimized the ideal conditions for fish to be raised sustainably on land. “There is no winter here, there are no diseases, there are no sea lice. We optimize everything the fish needs," explains the company's chief sales and marketing officer. Although the practice is still "in its infancy" and struggles to return a profit, it has caught on elsewhere and land-based salmon are now sold in a variety of grocery stores.

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  • Summit Safe Syringe Exchange ‘plants just a little bit of hope' through harm reduction

    The Summit Safe Syringe Exchange provides free and clean needles and supplies to people who use drugs, while also providing access to testing and counseling and connecting people to housing and health care resources. Project DAWN saturated the community with naloxone, a drug that reverses opioid overdoses, and trains community members to recognize and treat overdoses quickly. Both programs have helped the Summit County Public Health integrate harm reduction strategies into the ways that officials address drug use and addiction.

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  • Patients Struggle to Find Prescription Opioids After NY Tax Drives Out Suppliers

    To "punish major drugmakers for their role in the opioid epidemic and generate funding for treatment programs," the state of New York implemented a new an excise tax on opioids. Since going into effect, though, the tax has failed to bring in the expected revenue and many opioid manufacturers and wholesalers have stopped selling their drugs to the state which has negatively impacted those who have been prescribed opioids for ailments such as pain management.

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  • The Sweet Fruits of the Chilean War on Sugar

    To fight obesity concerns, a law in Chile is now requiring that foods high in sugar, have a high content of saturated fats, are high in sodium, or high in calories carry a label (or labels) to help inform consumers of their contents. Although the strategy has received pushback from some companies, others have redesigned recipes to avoid the label and consumers report that it has influenced their shopping habits.

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  • Bug Breeders Are Cultivating Waste-Guzzling Flies to Gobble Up America's Trash

    A growing number of bug breeders in the United States are raising black soldier flies to tackle greenhouse gas emissions, land degradation, and food waste. The larvae can convert waste into fertilizer for crops, while also reducing carbon dioxide emissions. In one experiment at Louisiana State University, about two tons of cafeteria food waste is processed by the fly larvae. Creating a similiar system on a larger scale for municipalities can be expensive, but the flies could be a multifaceted solution to the country’s trash problem.

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  • Utah Is Trying To Prevent Gun Suicides. Are Other States Paying Attention?

    Concerned about the high numbers of suicides in the state, Utah's local government introduced a three-pronged approach to preventing further suicides that hinged on targeting gun owners and Second Amendment activists. Although there has been some push back along the way, suicide rates have decreased since the state shifted their approach from awareness-only to one that is "data-driven and aims to involve community members from gun store owners to high school sports coaches."

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  • What happened when the BC government started selling cannabis Audio icon

    Legalized marijuana sales in Canada were supposed to make the industry safe, stable, and prosperous. But the rollout of licenses for pre-existing private dispensaries has turned into a debacle for small businesses in British Columbia. Ignoring the advice given to Health Canada by dispensaries seeking licenses about sensible ways to regulate, the agency delayed approving licensing applications for months, only to begin raiding applicants' businesses as soon as competing government dispensaries started opening. Hundreds were put out of work and quality product grew scarce.

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  • In Africa, a Drive to End Malnutrition Meets Covid-19

    A nongovernmental organization, Sanku, invented a new technology that allows a machine to mix in the right amount of basic nutrients into flour that children and others need. By working directly with the millers and creating a sustainable business model, nearly 100 schools were provided fortified flour to keep its students healthy.

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  • Tech startups want to reinvent the bulk aisle—grocery's most glorious, affordable, unwieldy section. That's going to be harder than it looks.

    The bulk food aisle in grocery stories - where dry goods are weighed and put in containers that consumers can bring from home - is getting more attention as tech solutions arise to revamp this shopping experience. From SmartBins to MIWA, solutions typically involve using technology to track weight more efficiently and cleanly while generating data on consumer habits. These solutions help consumers save money, have a higher profit margin for companies, and reduce waste in the process.

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