Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Teens Learn Life Skills Training Therapy Dogs Audio icon

    Working to train therapy dogs helps kids with issues learn how to cope. Rising Ground, an organization in New York City, provides animal therapy as part of a residential placement program for juveniles facing problems with the law. The youth receive training in life skills, counseling, and peer support through their court-ordered program. In addition, Rising Ground engages them in an eight-week program to train therapy dogs, which helps the youth learn how to deal with their emotions, as well.

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  • Reimagining New York Jails Without Solitary Confinement

    Solitary confinement was once thought of as one of the only effective punishments for violent prison inmates. As more research surfaces showing the severe damage it does to mental health, the racial bias of those placed in solitary, and its relative ineffectiveness, more cities, like New York City, are exploring alternatives to the practice. In places such as Denver, Chicago, and San Francisco, rather than invoking a punitive approach, city officials are offering positive reinforcement – and seeing positive results.

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  • Incarcerated Women Help Recover Rare Northwest Butterfly Species

    In a collaboration with the Oregon Zoo, the Institute of Applied Ecology, the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Oregon’s Coffee Creek Correctional Facility, women experiencing incarceration are helping save the endangered Taylor’s checkerspot butterfly. Participants learn data gathering, environmental skills, and record keeping – all skills that can translate to life after release – so that they may help the species flourish from larvae to butterfly.

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  • Former Juvenile Inmates Are Earning Double Minimum Wage to Grow Crops — and Business Skills

    For young adults leaving prison in Atlanta, they have the opportunity to participate in Gangstas to Growers, a local nonprofit that provides job skills training and personal development. The program, created in 2016, gives participants the opportunity to learn skills like farming, gardening, and how to run a business, and supplementary knowledge like financial literacy and environmental sustainability. Even more, Gangstas to Growers pays participants working on black-owned farms $15 per hour, which is almost twice the minimum wage.

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  • In Nigeria's overcrowded prisons, Catholic group frees inmates through free legal services

    Thousands of people incarcerated in Nigeria’s rapidly growing prison system, many of them awaiting trial without lawyers, receive free legal, health, and educational services from an NGO that for decades has paid twice-weekly visits to prisons around the country. Serving the prisoners’ general welfare, the Catholic Institute for Development, Justice, and Peace seeks the release of defendants on bail, advocates for better health care, and delivers aid packages to people held in the overcrowded lockups.

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  • When Arizona catches fire, prisoners step up

    As the cost of fighting wildfires rises and the number of firefighters declines, Arizona found a solution: paying incarcerated men and women to do the same job for just five percent of the standard rate for firefighting. Arizona’s Inmate Wildfire Program, while fundamentally exploitative, is seemingly more complex. Those that go through the program find a sense of meaning and are given the opportunity to learn leadership and teamwork skills – things they can translate in life upon release.

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  • First Group Of Students Graduates From Wesleyan's Prison Education Program

    The first class of students enrolled in the Wesleyan University Center for Prison Education has just graduated. The program awards participants with an associate degree from Middlesex Community College in general studies and intends to serve as a tool against recidivism by offering an opportunity for success after incarceration. The Center for Prison Education has existed since 2009, serving 138 students thus far, and started offering a degree option in 2016.

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  • Fairfield County's new jail could serve as example for Wayne County

    In 2017, Ohio’s Fairfield County built a new jail that, for the first time in a long time, met minimum jail standards. Using bonds, the new jail included an increase in the amount of living space, better security standards, and more space and capacity for classes like drug and alcohol programming, GED prep, and job skill building. Six hours north, Wayne County looks to Fairfield as they face pushback in their attempts to create a new jail with similar improvements.

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  • When a Restraining Order Fails, a GPS Tracker Can Save Lives

    Using GPS tracking on repeat offenders of domestic violence has shown to decrease repeat instances of such abuse. Of the 23 states that use such devices, those that use them in ankle bracelet form have the ability to not only monitor locations, but alert officials and victims when the offender leaves the designated boundaries. While the system has shown demonstrative success, some people voice opposition to such technology, citing privacy concerns.

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  • Lack of space limits recovery, mental health services in Wayne County Jail

    In Ohio’s Wayne County Jail, people serving sentences can access CADET, which stands for Chemical Addiction/Dependency, Education and Therapy program. With nearly 20% of Wayne County bookings involving drug-related offenses, CADET provides participants with the support they need to overcome addiction, including cognitive behavioral treatment, crisis assessment, and case management. The program is offered in partnership with the nonprofit, OneEighty, and is often part of the term’s of some individual sentences.

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