Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A View of Tomorrow

    More states eye virtual reality to help inmates, jailed since they were teenagers, adapt to a very different world. Since a Supreme Court decision mandated the release of nearly 2,000 inmates sentenced as juveniles to life without parole, states have grappled with how to prepare them, and Pennsylvania turned to VR. Colorado followed suit and others are interested in the potential, but critics warn much more is needed to help juvenile lifers navigate the world as adults.

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  • Bail reforms moving slowly in Missouri

    Under a large grant St. Louis County is working to reduce jail confinements in the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting, following several national models. There is also progress toward reducing fines and fees for small issues, with a focus on addressing racial disparities in arrests. But the efforts face challenges that include thousands of outstanding warrants under the old system and a shortage of public defenders.

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  • Why this couple's wedding registry was devoted to paying off Philly kids' court costs

    A couple created a nonprofit in Philadelphia to make micro grants for those who need small amounts to pay off medical bills or legal fees so they can move on with their lives. The effort garnered modest donations, including through their own wedding registry, and has made about 10 grants, but those have had significant impacts on recipients. The two acknowledge this is more like a bandaid, so they also partnered with a policy organization to work on wider systemic change.

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  • You've Served Your Time. Now You're Told You Can't Cut Hair.

    A number of states have passed reforms aimed at helping people coming out of incarceration get licenses that are key to well-paying jobs, which in turn help people stay out of prison. But there are still numerous hurdles in other states around criminal histories and background checks that keep people with felony records from entering those professions. Those requirements have cost the economy nearly three million jobs according to one report, and disproportionately affect people of color.

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  • New prison unit opens to help young female inmates

    Connecticut’s women's prison launched a new unit in 2018 devoted to rehabilitation and reintegration. It’s based on prisons for young offenders in Germany, which the state's governor and the head of corrections visited, after which they worked with the Vera Institute of Justice to design one for Connecticut. The women’s unit follows the opening of a similar program for young male offenders where they are mentored by older inmates and receive counseling and education to reduce recidivism.

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  • Initiative seeks to interrupt prison pipeline, help kids of incarcerated parents

    The former director of the Cook County Department of Corrections will have the chance to go upstream in the incarceration cycle to work with children of people who are incarcerated through a new fellowship program launched by a Chicago nonprofit. The Leadership Venture program will allow her to research what's working most effectively in supporting the children of those in prison and jail. The idea is to find and share best practices and disrupt the cycle of incarceration.

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  • Community in Unity: Recovery Behind Bars

    Prisons can reduce recidivism if they provide people who are incarcerated with drug and alcohol treatment, as it helps inmates address underlying issues. People who have been in and out of prison tell their stories about the success of these treatments at a public event organized and recorded by Alaska Public Media. Many participants said more solutions will happen when the question “What's wrong with you?” is replaced with “What happened to you?”

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  • An Ohio Startup Rebuilds Lives One Piece of Fried Chicken at a Time

    Joe DeLoss's startup, Hot Chicken Takeover, does more than just sell fried chicken in Columbus, Ohio -- the startup hires former prisoners, using "fair chance" standards and providing benefits and services to give those employees the best shot at success. The restaurant experiences less turnover than is standard and hopes to expand their models as they open new locations.

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  • Training the Brain to Stay out of Jail

    A nonprofit in Charleston, South Carolina, uses cognitive behavioral therapy to help formerly incarcerated men shift their mindsets in order to meet the hefty challenges they face re-entering society. Turning Leaf Project actually pays students to take at least 150 hours of CBT and connects them to entry-level jobs in the city and county. So far participants have stayed out of prison, but keeping students in the program is challenging.

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  • Landing On Your Feet

    PAR-Recycle Works has a twofold mission: reduce recidivism and help the planet. By teaching employees to break down electronics, the program has a sustainable source of funding through the sale of scrap metal. So far, the program has employed 33 formerly incarcerated individuals, and it is successfully helping them reintegrate into society.

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