Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The better way to support rape victims: put their needs first

    While still a relatively new field, restorative justice is providing a way for some sexual assault survivors, and perpetrators, to make amends. Restorative justice is an approach to dealing with crime that involves the person that committed the offense to admit his or her actions and ask for forgiveness, then go through a set of actions to repair the crime, such as community service. Some victims and offenders are finding this a much more productive process than going through the criminal justice system. A peer-reviewed study “reported high rates of satisfaction with the process."

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  • Montgomery's Renascence gives men on parole a chance for rebirth

    In Montgomery, Ala., a transitional program offers former inmates a place to live and support while they focus on staying clean and finding work. Officials say programs like this play a key role in reducing recidivism by addressing obstacles like learning to live again in society and making decisions, establishing a support network and basic things like getting a bank account and drivers license. It offers former inmates new paths that can help them avoid falling back into old ways and re-offending.

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  • Saving The Future, One Kid At A Time

    A program in Philadelphia created to divert students who get in trouble away from the juvenile justice system is poised to grow into the first Juvenile Justice Hub in the country with help from a competitive grant program through Bloomberg Philanthropies. The hub would be based on successful program created in the city's schools that has cut the number of kids arrested in half and is designed to address students' behavior by understanding the environment in which students live and connecting them to social services.

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  • Can religion solve El Salvador's gang problem?

    For many in El Salvador, finding religion can mean finding a way out of violent gang life. The country has become one of the most violent in the world following the civil war in the 1980s that drove refugees to the U.S., where their children formed gangs and then brought them back home when they were deported. Pentecostalist churches founded by former gang members have often stepped in where civil institutions have failed, offering a sense of belonging and sometimes jobs to those who want to leave gang life, but their longterm success in rehabilitation remains unclear.

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  • Last year, 39 UK youths were fatally stabbed. None were in Scotland. Why?

    Glasgow used to be called the murder capital of Western Europe until officials decided to tackle violent crime with a public health focus, using tactics similar to those used to control epidemics. A carrot and stick approach included harsher sentences for possessing a knife, but also an array of services designed to connect gang kids with jobs, housing, therapy and education. Violence dropped dramatically as much of the gang infrastructure was dismantled, so other cities are exploring adopting the model.

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  • Is the Secret to Solving the Opioid Crisis More Opioids?

    When inmates enter prison, they are required to discontinue use of any substances, causing many of them to suffer symptoms of detox. Medication-assisted Treatment combines use of slow-release opiates and cognitive behavioral therapy to help opiate addicts get sober and deal with the underlying issues associated with addiction. The Rhode Island Department of Corrections is piloting a program that streamlines opiate addicts entering prison into a MAT program that they participate in while behind bars.

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  • This Anti-Violence Program Has Been Proven to Cut Crime. Can It Work in Baltimore?

    Massachusetts' Roca program uses five sites in the state to teach young men in their late teens and early 20s coping strategies to solve personal problems and change their behavior. The program targets men with previous criminal problems who actively resist other services and therapy, and who are deemed at high risk of violence. More than 80 percent of its graduates, who number more than 850 per year, have no new arrests, and two-thirds hold jobs six months after finishing the program. Seeing this success, Baltimore has committed $17 million in private and public funds to open a Roca chapter.

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  • A Year of Bail Reform in New Jersey

    As New Jersey continues to reform its cash bail system, other states in the region look to it as an example. The state developed an algorithm called the Public Safety Assessment that considers an individual’s likeliness to appear for their court date and whether they pose a risk of committing another crime and presents these findings and corresponding recommendations to a judge. Since the reforms have been in place, the state has seen a 20% decrease in the pre-trial jail population and an overall decrease in crime.

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  • At crossroads of policing and murder, a long push for accountability

    Criticism and protests led by community activists in NY led to wide scale changes in NYPD’s policing, it resulted in a large decrease at the unequal way the NYPD racially profiled black and latino men. Many of this activism was led by the mothers of young black men killed at the hands of NYPD. In Baltimore, mothers are also coalescing around the same issue, but they’re taking a different approach.

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  • PASCEP workshop teaches life skills after incarceration

    In Philadelphia, a former attorney who was incarcerated for embezzlement founded the National Workforce Opportunity Network. The program has partnered with Temple University to provide services and job training for the recently incarcerated.

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