Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The New Co-op Helping Ex-Inmates Find Work—and Recover

    Washington D.C. struggles with the highest incarceration rates in the nation that already imprisons more people than any other country in the world. But a few determined individuals, including ex-offender Juan Reid, are working to break the cycle by empowering former inmates to join their business cooperative, Tightshift, catered specifically to those reentering the system by providing job training and paid work, as well as critical emotional healing and support.

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  • Training For A Better Life

    Overwhelmingly, individuals who have been incarcerated will spend the rest of their lives dragging in-and-out of prison, with few resources to help break the cycle and get them back on their feet. But one program called "New Leash on Life" stands out for helping dramatically slash recidivism rates for inmates in Pennsylvania prisons by teaching inmates to train and care for formerly "un-adoptable" rescue dogs, building empathy, job skills, and giving both human and dog a second chance at life.

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  • In Kentucky, jail is becoming an addict's last-resort rehab

    In Kentucky, substance abuse issues are now being addressed within the prison setting. This Kentucky prison created a comprehensive drug treatment program, including a full experiential component as well as vivitrol opportunities, to curb addiction issues.

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  • From Norway, Pennsylvania's prisons appear cruel and unusual

    Thirty years ago, Norway’s recidivism rate was more than 60 percent. Then the country put rehabilitation at the core of its corrections system, training prison guards to act more like social workers than punishers. Recidivism fell dramatically. The country of 5.2 million now has just 3,900 prisoners. Norwegian delegates are meeting with officials in Pennsylvania to share their insights.

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  • Opioid crisis puts Ohio jails at the center of burden and opportunity

    As jails in Ohio struggle with the skyrocketing numbers of people addicted to opioids, they are increasingly becoming the state's primary detox centers. This article explores how several counties are addressing the issue by connecting inmates to jobs, training and housing to cut down on overdose deaths and reduce recidivism. Medicaid has also made it easier to get inmates health insurance coverage, which gives them access to treatment and medications upon release.

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  • Quaker City Coffee is betting that former drug dealers will make good entrepreneurs

    Quaker City Coffee Company taps into the skills and expertise of formerly incarcerated people while providing much needed jobs. The company is small, but it aims to serve as a model for other such efforts to help ex-cons find employment.

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  • He stole a $1 lemonade, smoked pot - then nearly had to die in prison

    Pennsylvania has a compassionate release law for inmates who are terminally ill so they don't die in prison, but in practice it has become even more difficult for inmates and their families to take advantage of it. The number of elderly prisoners in the state has soared. Advocates recommend prisoners get an automatic compassionate release when they receive a terminal diagnosis so the family is not burdened with trying to figure out the complex process and paperwork.

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  • Courts That Save Opioid Victims' Family Life

    The rampant opioid epidemic tearing through communities across the United States is exacerbated by a rigid court system that fails to address individual needs and a severe lack of comprehensive treatment options, even for those who want to get clean. Family Treatment Court, like the one in Chautauqua County, N.Y., provides parents who are addicts an innovative intervention program that includes a broad range of custom-tailored services to permanently quit their drug use and keep their families together.

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  • How to Win a War on Drugs

    By addressing drug addiction as a medical—rather than criminal—issue, Portugal has been able to reduce drug use as well as deaths caused by drugs. Strategies implemented include decriminalization, increased access to treatment, changes in prescribing patterns related to opioids, and ‘dissuasion’ courts.

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  • Let down and locked up: Why Oklahoma's female incarceration is so high

    Oklahoma currently locks up more women than any other state in the country, incarcerating females at more than double the national rate, and harshly deals out ever-longer sentences to prisoners, disproportionately targeting poor women and those of color. Tulsa is the one exception, thanks to a charitably-funded, intensive programs like The Education and Employment Ministry and Women in Recovery, which combine shorter prison terms with rehabilitative treatment and supportive probation, including drug addiction recovery, employment assistance, and life skills classes.

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