Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How a Nation Reconciles After Genocide Killed Nearly a Million People

    In an attempt to bring peace to a region post-genocide, Rwanda has implemented "Reconciliation Villages" where survivors and perpetrators live side-by-side. This state-mandated reconciliation has lead to community service events that bring the two populations even closer together as they work to better the community they all live in.

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  • Nueces County judge aims for reform with domestic violence court

    Judge Inna Klein and probation officers from The Community Supervision and Corrections Department are bringing domestic violence reform to Nueces County. By taking more aggressive approaches toward supervision and accountability, and by focusing on rehabilitative services for offenders, they hope to break the cycles of violence.

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  • Last Days of Solitary

    Across the United States, the use of administrative segregation is being rethought and reduced, as study after study shows it’s link to higher rates of violence and recidivism. At Maine State Prison, over the course of six years, the number of people in solitary went from 100 to 8, while also seeing a decline in fights, use of weapons, and emergency room transportation in the prison’s general population. The prison has instead started implementing individualized mental health programming and structured living units – opting to implement rehabilitation over punitive measures.

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  • Has a bold reform plan helped to shrink Philly's prison population?

    Philadelphia has one of the highest incarceration rates in the country, but with a $3.5 million McArthur Foundation grant the city has used several initiatives to change that. The efforts appear to be working, with the number of inmates falling by 12 percent over one year. Programs include getting addicts treatment instead of more jail time, working to release those who cannot afford bail ahead of a trial and making attorneys more available for those who want to seek early parole.

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  • Mentally ill man worse off after acquittal

    “Two million people with mental illness are booked into jails every year.” Mental health courts, would take into accounts a person’s illness, rather than solely focusing on the crime.

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  • After 36 Years in Prison, This Philadelphian Has a Model for Criminal Justice Reform

    Lack of education was the downfall of one Philadelphia man who spent 36 years in prison, and education proved to be his redemption when he discovered he could do well in coursework. He got a college degree and helped bring the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program to the prison where he was incarcerated. He continues to work with the program, which matches prisoners with college students and professors to help them gain the skills they need, and also fosters more compassion and understanding for those incarcerated.

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  • This former Philadelphia cop had an incredibly simple plan to keep kids out of prison: Don't arrest them.

    The zero-tolerance of Philadelphia's school system towards even minor infractions from students was creating a detrimental school-to-prison pipeline that was doing more long term harm to youth than good. But one former officer took the initiative to break the cycle, founding the Police School Diversion Program to drastically reduce arrests and offer students supportive services such as counseling instead, helping create a more constructive environment for children, educators, and officers alike.

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  • How ban-the-box rules help ex-offenders, hurt women, young people

    Ban-the-box legislation can help people with criminal records receive fair consideration as job applicants. However, the employment prospects of other applicants, particularly African American women and young workers, can decrease if employers use alternative methods of weeding out people who may have criminal records, such as prejudging names that signal African American or Hispanic backgrounds and adding educational and experience requirements to job descriptions.

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  • What selling drugs taught him about running a supermarket

    A former drug dealer who made massive amounts of cash finds his skills adapt well to the job he found after prison in a supermarket. Luckily the manager at this particular store recognized that fact and gave Louis Rivera a chance when we begged for a job right after his release. It was difficult for Rivera to adjust to making so much less money, but he has applied his business skills to move up into management and tries to help others following in his footsteps.

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  • Reentry Think Tank wants returning citizens designing reentry services

    The Reentry Think Tank in Philadelphia brings a badly needed component to the world of services helping inmates reintegrate back into society: The experiences of actual former inmates. The nonprofit created fellowships for those coming back from prison and it has joined with the larger Philadelphia Reentry Coalition to make sure these voices are at the table with policy makers. They're working on a list of policy suggestions called the People's Bill of Rights in a model they want to see replicated across other social services.

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