Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Former Black Panther Launches Oakland Urban Farm to Give Ex-Prisoners a Fresh Start

    After incarceration, Black men and women have a difficult time re-integrating into society without financial and educational resources. A former Black Panther activist has created the non-profit Oakland &the World Enterprises to offer an urban farm as a prisoner re-entry program and community center. The Oakland project supports self-sufficiency, self-determination, and empowerment for Black people.

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  • How Soldier On hired 92 formerly homeless veterans

    Solider On is an organization that serves homeless veterans in 18 counties across central New York. Of their 180 employees, 92 used to be homeless themselves and another 15 are veterans. They travel everywhere to find people who need help and then work with them to get anything they need, such as housing or employment. Some participants testify to how much the program has changed their lives.

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  • Southside center caters to people leaving prison

    Filling gaps in prisoner re-entry and transitional housing is the goal of a 14-month-old Fairbanks organization. Southside Reentry Center offers 10 to 15 beds, depending on the season, for people exiting the correctional system, and helps address issues like alcoholism.

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  • When Prisons Need to Be More Like Nursing Homes

    The U.S. prison population is aging, which is costly because older inmates need more care. Some states have responded by creating special wards, having the young inmates care for the old, or building nursing homes.

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  • A town in Massachusetts decided to stop arresting drug users. 2 months later, here's how it's going.

    In Gloucester Mass. an epidemic of Heroin use called for innovate solutions. This piece looks at the aftermath of a new initiative by police in which they refer drug arrests to rehab, rather than charging users.

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  • A Simple Fix for Drunken Driving

    South Dakota’s “24/7 Sobriety” initiative breathalyzers tens of thousands of people every day in an effort to curb drunk driving. Rather than legislation that takes penalizes offenders by taking away their license, the state addresses the behavioral issue instead. In counties that use the “24/7 Sobriety,” they’ve seen a 12% decrease in repeat drunken-driving arrests.

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  • How to Cut the Prison Population (See for Yourself)

    Prisons in the United States are overcrowded with many non-violent offenders and the cost to keep them in jail consumes public budgets. Criminal justice reform has attracted bipartisan interest with diverse proposals to aid adjust the incarceration rate. The Urban Institute has developed an interactive “prison population forecaster,” which helps citizens to assess the impact of different policies.

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  • Oakland probation camp offers Freedom School to young detainees

    Freedom Summer Camp allows for convicted young men to find a sense of community allowing them to connect to the world and fuel greater desires for achievement.

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  • Eliminating Bail for Nonviolent Crimes

    Philadelphia's criminal justice system is overwhelmed. New York is allowing judges to release low-risk defendants accused of non-violent crimes with the goal of saving money, reducing prison overcrowding, and cutting down on prison violence.

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  • These Programs Are Helping Prisoners Live Again On The Outside

    After release, ex-prisoners often have a hard time re-integrating into society. Re-entry programs in several states work to stabilize this process, providing inmates with education while in prison or connecting ex-convicts to job and counseling resources once they are out.

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