Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • I Served My Prison Time. Why Do I Still Have to Pay?

    In 2018, San Francisco county forgave $32 million worth of criminal justice administrative fees. These fees are issued to formerly incarcerated individuals upon release from prison, most of which are not employed and without stable housing. The coalition pursuing this policy change cited economic justice for those that have already paid their societal debt and an overall state savings in collection costs as the primary reasons to end this practice.

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  • “What Does the World Beyond Jails and Prisons Look Like?”

    The Detroit Justice Center is providing a comprehensive approach to breaking the cycle of poverty in the county. The nonprofit law firm provides immediate support, like paying back child support and posting the cash bail payments that keep those experiencing poverty trapped in a cycle of debt and imprisonment. The group also aims high in their larger efforts to disrupt the criminal justice system, like suing the county to prevent the building of a new jail complex, and provides their clients and the community the chance to reimagine what the city could look like with transformative and economic justice.

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  • Treatment Courts Adapt to Meet Challenges

    New Hampshire's court system has found ways to improve treatment services for at least some people with substance and mental health problems, despite a lack of adequate resources. The state's problem-solving courts have improvised workarounds to the resources challenges, providing a recovery coach to defendants with substance-misuse disorder and using trauma-informed practices in drug and mental health treatment courts. One example: female trauma survivors facing criminal charges do not appear in court in front of a crowd of men, making them more open to asking for and getting help.

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  • Piece of the Puzzle: Drug Courts Expand Across State

    The New Hampshire Drug Court system – helping individuals find rehabilitation rather than prison – has proven to be a success and expanded to counties across the state. The court follows best practices from the National Association of Drug Court Professionals, but also adapts each court to fit the needs of each local community. Since its creation in 2004, over 400 people have graduated from its programming – over 50 percent of its participants.

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  • Graffiti punished by reading - 'It worked!' says prosecutor

    After graffitiing a historic landmark with swastikas and racist phrases, a juvenile prosecutor chose to educate rather than punish the perpetrators. Each teen was given a list of 35 books that covered topics like race, religion, and culture, and they had to pick 12 and do monthly assignments for a year. The books included titles like, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, by Maya Angelou, and Night, by Elie Wiesel. After the year, the learning opportunity given to the teens showed demonstrable success.

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  • Jury of their peers: Youth court aims to keep students out of criminal justice system

    In Newark Youth Court, the common mistakes and misbehavior of childhood lead to a trial in which all of the participants are high school students, and the outcomes center on second chances and atoning for wrongdoing through community service and decision-making classes. The court, which hears about 100 cases per year, serves as an alternative to pushing allegations of minor fights, vandalism, and truancy into the justice system, where punishment falls most heavily on youth of color and can wreck lives without solving the discipline problems.

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  • By Forgiving Warrants and Fines, Communities Give People a Fresh Start

    Stand With Dignity, a grassroots, community organizing group in New Orleans, has coordinated warrant clinics for those driving with suspended licenses. These clinics have forgiven $2 million worth of traffic fines and reinstated licenses for hundreds of individuals, in the hopes of breaking the cycle of unpaid fines, which is often a driver of unemployment and poverty.

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  • SEPTA quietly decriminalizes jumping turnstiles, lowers fines

    Pennsylvania’s Transit Authority, SEPTA, has decriminalized fare evasion, with those who are caught facing a $25 fine. This is down from the prior $300 tickets that were issued in the past. The move toward decriminalization is part of a larger shift in the region for the criminal justice system to be less punitive and more rehabilitative, focusing more on addressing root causes of behavior.

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  • Native justice: How tribal values shape Judge Abby's court

    Across the country, tribal courts are seeking to break the cycle of recidivism and instead focus their efforts on rehabilitation and community. Judge Abinanti’s Yurok Tribal Court in California applies traditional Yurok values – responsibility, renewal, and restorative justice – in a way that builds compassion and addresses the deep trauma held by the people entering her court.

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  • For Red Hook, Justice Center is Much More than a Court

    The Red Hook Community Justice Center is a community center that also functions as a court hearing family, housing, and criminal cases. Defendants get on-site social services, like support groups and counseling, with an approach called procedural justice: cultivating public respect for the system by giving people a voice in it and by showing respect and transparency. A 2016 survey found 80% of local residents held positive feelings about the court, which was founded in 2000. People in the neighborhood can use the center's services even if they are not in a court case.

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