Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Juvenile Justice Jeopardy game teaches Cleveland kids about the law: Pathways to Peace

    Misinformation and misunderstanding about the law can lead youth to have accelerating confrontations with the police. Cleveland’s Patrick Henry School offers Juvenile Justice Jeopardy, a game that orients middle school kids to the facts about criminal justice. The game enables youth to internalize the information through an enjoyable format.

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  • What role did trauma-informed care play in alleged juvenile prison abuse?

    To reduce violence and aggreesion trauma-informed care become the new standard in Wisconsin for juvenile corrections. However, at the two highlighted facillities there has been greater violence and an investigation of abuse, but supporters still contend that when trauma-informed care is implemented correctly it is successful.

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  • Juvy Intervention Programs Losing Federal Funds

    Adolescent Opportunity Programs (AOPs) are a pre-intervention method for curtailing juvenile delinquency that have proven vital in the Mississippi state's criminal-justice system - they have the power to prevent young people from entering the system in the first place and save taxpayer costs in the long-term. But federal funding is threatening to run out.

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  • Nothing But The Truth

    Historically, police interrogations of suspects have been brutal and have involved torture. These strategies have also produced a high rate of false confessions. The HIG method, which encourages conversation in a comfortable environment, has shown to be successful in revealing the truth and incarcerating the convicted with confidence.

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  • Have You Ever Been Arrested? Check Here

    Across the country, new criminal justice campaigns are seeking to redefine how criminal records are both accessed and interpreted. Given that current crime histories fail to denote context and stories of culmination, these new products are seeking to both delay the effect criminal convictions have, as well as reshape how criminal records are recorded.

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  • Machine Bias

    Risk assessments are supposed to make the criminal justice system better by predicting which defendants are likely to commit new crimes. Defendant scores are given to judges during criminal sentencing in nine states, and there’s a push to mandate their use in federal prisons. But the risk assessments aren’t accurate, only somewhat more reliable than a coin flip. Black defendants are falsely flagged as future criminals at a high rate while white defendants regularly get mislabeled as low risk.

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  • A day in trauma-informed court: Parents work to regain custody of their kids

    In a regular court it is very difficult for a person with a history of drug abuse to regain custody of their children. The state of Wisconsin is promoting trauma-informed drug courts which offer participants the chance to get their children back if they pass a strict rehab program.

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  • Avoiding the School-to-Prison Pipeline

    A district-wide approach called PBIS, or positive behavior and instructional support model that focuses on counseling rather than punishment, has curbed behavioral issues at many Jackson public schools, and has even turned many into model sites of positive behavior reinforcement. It has also proven to keep youth from getting stuck in the vicious school-to-prison pipeline.

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  • Could Baltimore hold the key to solving Cleveland's violence problem?

    Cure Violence is a the national non-profit organization that for 16 years has helped multiple cities adopt strategies for violence prevention that mirror those used in disease control. Programs employ trained “violence interrupters” and outreach workers to identify and mediate potentially deadly conflicts, maintaining relationships with those involved to ensure the conflict does not reignite. Cleveland hopes that replicating the model will help reduce local violence and crime.

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  • Bail made fair in the District of Columbia

    In Washington, D.C., defendants appear in court within 24 hours of their arrest and many are freed from jail without having to make bail. The process is efficient, relying on a coordinated system of risk assessment and supervision that saves money and supports defendants’ right to timely due process.

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