Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How more cameras are helping Sacramento PD catch more car thieves.

    The Sacramento Police Department installed 175 cameras throughout the city to read license plates and help solve car theft crimes. The cameras and accompanying AI technology alert nearby officers when a vehicle of interest is identified, resulting in more arrests and solved car thefts than the national average.

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  • See how technology is linking guns used in crimes, helping investigators solve cases

    NIBIN, the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network, uses imaging technology to help law enforcement agencies solve gun-related crimes faster by identifying and linking bullet casings found at different crime scenes. With 280 U.S. agencies using NIBIN, and a traveling van with portable technology that supports high-crime areas, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives estimates NIBIN produced 189,000 investigation leads in 2022.

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  • The Lifesaving Tech That's Stopping Gun Violence

    The National Integrated Ballistic Information Network, or NIBIN, uses ballistics imaging to help law enforcement agencies connect separate shootings perpetrated using the same firearm. In Danville, Virginia, the system has produced roughly 400 hits since it was instituted in 2018.

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  • Non-carceral emergency response initiatives require a cultural shift

    Non-carceral emergency services offer an alternative option to calling the police for de-escalation and crisis resolution. These programs employ trained specialists, are consent-based, and can refer people to local services to help meet their needs or receive care.

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  • Is Chicago Public Schools' approach to safety and restorative discipline working? Some say yes.

    Chicago public schools are changing how they approach discipline to prevent over-policing and the school-to-prison pipeline. Instead of automatic suspensions and out-of-school punishment, they’re focusing on restorative practices.

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  • Rewriting Retribution

    The Massachusetts Federal District Court’s RISE rehabilitation program facilitates a restorative justice workshop in which people responsible for crimes have conversations with victims of similar crimes to help them understand the impacts of their crimes and make amends.

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  • Choosing redemption over imprisonment

    The Massachusetts Federal Courthouse’s RISE rehabilitation program aims to reduce recidivism rates by hosting monthly meetings in which defendants on supervised pretrial release are encouraged to take accountability for their crimes and have conversations with people who were victims of similar crimes to understand the toll it takes on them.

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  • Are Oakland community ambassadors making a difference?

    In response to public safety concerns and understaffed police departments, community ambassadors are working to improve public safety by building relationships with local business owners and residents, mitigating conflict without force or violence, providing support to people in crisis and keeping the city clean. Since community ambassadors began patrolling the area, local business owners have reported noticing fewer robberies and crime in general.

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  • Jharkhand Has Highest Conviction Rate For Human Traffickers: What Is It Doing Right?

    Jharkhand, India, created an awareness campaign about the laws related to human trafficking that reached all the ranks of the police department, the judiciary, and other relevant state departments. Now, the state has the country’s highest conviction rate for human trafficking.

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  • The Heat is Killing Us: Climate change & rising temps are increasing gun violence

    A University of Pennsylvania project cleaned up vacant lots and planted greenery, and it made community members feel safer, decreased gun violence, and decreased nuisance calls.

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