Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Maryland Town Turns Flood Zone into a Tourist Attraction

    When algae overgrowth began to plague the Carroll Creek flood control project, a group of volunteers cultivated 1,000 floating canopies of plants to block the sunlight that algae need to grow, allowing the community to maintain the effective underground concrete conduits that move storm water. 250 volunteers maintain the plants throughout the year and the creek, previously made unusable by the algae, now draws tourists to see various attractions.

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  • How expanded child tax credit aided these moms, changed economy

    As part of a COVID-19 pandemic relief bill, the federal government expanded the child tax credit and distributed the money in monthly cash payments rather than a lump sum when filing taxes. The expansion, which expired in 2022, also increased the per-child amount up to $3,600 annually. The concept of cash-payments trusts families to decide where the money is most needed. Data shows that many families were able to catch up on bills and take away the urgency of financial struggles, opening up space to tend to other physical and emotional needs involved in raising children.

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  • Asher Craig: 'We are walking our talk' in Bristol's experiment in democracy

    A year after Bristol convened a randomly selected 60-person citizens’ assembly, which brought together a representative and diverse group of residents to tackle complex issues facing the city, they have delivered a set of recommendations. The panel produced 17 recommendations, with a total of 82 associated actions on three topics: climate, transport and health. Fourteen recommendations have been fully agreed to and eight have been dismissed. Participants also report positive effects of being able to work together across diverse ideologies and experiences, as well as from the civic participation more broadly.

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  • How India's Farmers Launched a Movement Against Modi's Farm Bills—and Won

    Protests among farmers in India led to the repeal of farm laws – passed in the midst of COVID-19 shutdowns – that privileged corporate interests over the livelihood of farmers. In some states, farm union members blocked railroads, prevented the collection of toll taxes on roads, and blocked gas stations, shopping malls, and warehouses owned by corporations that benefited from the laws. Throughout the protests anywhere from 50,000 to 700,000 farmers camped out blocking strategic infrastructure. The sustained protests, and the widespread support among people, led the government to withdraw the laws.

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  • How $1,000 a Month in Guaranteed Income Is Helping N.Y.C. Mothers

    Cash payments for mothers experiencing poverty in New York City have provided a security net, helping to fill in the gaps for food and baby supplies. The guaranteed income doesn’t come with any conditions, meaning mothers were able to spend the money any way they needed too.

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  • Ein Heizungsbauer als Nachhaltigkeitspionier

    Miscanthus Giganteus, auch Riesen-Chinaschilf oder Elefantengras genannt, bindet nicht nur viel CO2, sondern eignet sich auch zum Heizen. Dabei kann es pro Hektar sechs- bis siebentausend Liter Heizöl ersetzen. Der Pionier Thomas Stöber nutzt dieses Potenzial bereits.

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  • Tiere als Helfer in der Therapie Die besseren Zuhörer

    In pädagogischen und therapeutischen Bereichen kommen immer öfter Tiere zum Einsatz. Von den Krankenkassen ist der Ansatz noch nicht anerkannt. Doch die internationale Forschung legt nahe, dass tiergestützte Interventionen in vielen Situationen ein wirksames Instrument sein können.

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  • Black women in Martin Luther King Jr.'s neighborhood will soon receive monthly cash payments

    A concept that was popularized by MLK Jr., guaranteed basic income, will be launching in his hometown of Atlanta. Monthly cash payments have proven to be beneficial to recipients in a number of pilot programs across the world. Qualifying recipients have seen increased employment opportunities, better health outcomes, and the ability to avoid predatory debt.

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  • What our sewage can (and can't) tell us about the spread of Omicron

    Throughout the pandemic, testing for COVID-19 in wastewater has been used to monitor the transmission of the virus. Wastewater testing is a reliable tool that often complements clinical COVID-19 testing and can be used for the early detection of outbreaks and surges. In Ontario, each of the province’s 34 public-health units joined Ontario’s Wastewater Surveillance Initiative, allowing researchers and public-health units to work together on testing water samples.

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  • Plastic As Tuition: A School In Lagos Is Reducing Waste, Providing Quality Education All At Once

    The Recycles Pay Educational Project allows parents in Ajegunle to collect and exchange plastic waste as tuition for their childrens' education. Isrina Schools has seen its enrollment climb since starting the program and has been able to recycle more than 5,000 kilograms of polyethylene terephthalate bottles.

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