Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Expanded Silver Alert system helps those with developmental disabilities

    Three years after Arizona added people with intellectual or developmental disabilities to the list of people who can trigger a public alert when they go missing, advocates say the state enjoys better coordination from one community to the next. While the numbers aren't tracked, advocates say many people on the autism spectrum or with other disabilities have been quickly found and returned to safety. The state expanded its Silver Alert program, originally for missing seniors, and other states are starting to follow suit. An alert can result in notifications by phone, news and social media, and highway signs.

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  • Integracija ar diskriminacija: Norvegijoje pabėgėliai mokomi apie seksualines normas ir smurto prevenciją

    Norvegija gali pasigirti pakankamai sklandžia migrantų integracija, o iš jos patirties galėtų pasimokyti ir didesnį migrantų skaičių priėmusi Lietuva. Norvegijos sėkmės formulėje - kalbos įgūdžių lavinimas, parama ieškant darbo ar pradėjus dirbti ir didesnis integracijos politikos nuoseklumas tiek nacionaliniu, tiek vietiniu valdžios lygmeniu. Ekspertai teigia, kad visa tai gali veikti ir Lietuvoje.

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  • How Bijapur fought acute malnutrition through millets and decentralisation

    In the district of Bijapur, a town in India, there was a malnutrition rate of 40 per cent in 2019. In order to tackle the problem officials identified the areas with high malnutrition and directed their efforts to those places. They introduced nutrient rich millets in child care centers. They also created kitchen gardens to provide the community with access to fresh vegetables. Finally, they brought Nutrient Rehabilitation Centers in the community since parents were hesitant to take their children to them. Two years later, malnutrition rates dropped by 12 percent.

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  • Argentinien: Die Rückkehr der Jaguare

    Im argentinischen Feuchtgebiet Esteros del Iberá läuft eines der größten Wiederansiedelungsprojekte weltweit. Neben anderen Tierarten, die schon zurückgekehrt sind, wird nun auch der Jaguar wiederangesiedelt. Das hilft, das ganze Ökosystem ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen.

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  • The Unlikely Story of a Sex Trafficking Survivor and the Instagram Account That Saved Her Life

    One woman's use of an Instagram account in her personal journey from sex-trafficking victim to sociology researcher enabled new sources of research, teaching, and victim aid. Megan Lundstrom's community of fellow sex workers formed through Instagram became the source for qualitative research into the experiences of sex workers, without being filtered by authorities. That led to the first peer-reviewed journal article of its kind, a new university program in sex trafficking, and the creation of a nonprofit, The Avery Center, aiding victims and collecting data on the industry.

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  • California's Yurok Tribe grows solutions in soil of crises

    The Yurok Tribe, located in Northern California, depends on fishing to sustain a living. However, a severe drought, the COVID-19 pandemic, and a crumbling highway severely affected the tribe. So, leaders are turning towards new ways of making an income: a community garden.

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  • Chicago organization uses predictive analytics to identify young people who may be headed for trouble

    Eddie Bocanegra of READI Chicago describes his group's gun-violence-prevention model. Data from police and hospitals, plus community intelligence, identify those people most at risk of committing or being victimized by gun violence. Then, providing those at highest risk with cognitive behavioral therapy, job-finding help, and other social services has been shown to reduce this group's victimization by nearly one-third and its likelihood of arrest for gun violence by 80%.

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  • Las Bici Catarinas, el rescate de las bicis JUMP

    El concepto de las bicicletas compartidas se aplica en comunidades de la Ciudad de México en alianza con organizaciones no gubernamentales y gobiernos locales, después de recuperar 1600 bicicletas que estaban destinadas al basurero por una empresa privada que frente a la pandemia decide cerrar operación.

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  • This German startup offers a simpler way to recycle your coffee cup

    About 16 billion paper cups are used every day for coffee consumption. In small towns in England, and in the countries like New Zealand and Germany, a deposit-based reusable cup system is being used to create less waste. Under this program consumers pay a small fee to use a reusable cap and get their cashback once they return it. One such program in Germany called "RECUP" estimates its saved 43,000 trees every year.

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  • Giving Mother Nature a Hand

    Cervene Pecky and Dolany, two small towns in Prague, were able to fix their flooding problems through a process known as land consolidation. Prior to the land consolidation, the towns would get flooded by rainwater. Through land consolidation, property owners are able to redraw property lines. Thanks to the consolidation, the field that emptied into Dolany is now covered in grass, trees, and ditches.

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