Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Amid Debate Over Gun Policy, An Unlikely Team Finds Some Consensus in N.H.

    With rising suicide rates and the high rate of suicide by firearm, gun owners and public health workers collaborating in the hopes of preventing more deaths. The Gun Shop Project, based in New Hampshire, is working to provide gun store owners and firearm instructors with fliers and videos about suicide prevention.

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  • Reversing an Overdose

    A significant spike in opioid-related overdose deaths in Philadelphia has resulted in more people in the community carrying Naloxone, an opioid overdose reversal medication. Thanks to a standing order signed by the Pennsylvania physician general as well as a local health insurance company, obtaining the drug has been made much easier which in turn results in more lives potentially being saved.

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  • Harm Reduction

    Hepatitis C along with other communicable diseases are often contracted through dirty needles, but programs in Pennsylvania are trying to reduce the spread through awareness and education as well as safe-needle exchanges. These approaches all put the person first in an attempt to meet people where they're at in the recovery while also providing help instead of punishment or shaming.

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  • Training boys and girls to fight sexual violence

    A successful training program in Nairobi is teaching girls to recognize verbal and physical assault and empowering them with the self-defense skills to respond in moments of crisis.

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  • Threat Assessment Teams

    Increasingly, schools are using threat assessment teams to prevent shootings. Composed of school and law enforcement officials, the groups direct potentially dangerous students to appropriate resources. One study found no racial bias in the process compared to zero tolerance policies that show significant disparities. Threat assessment teams are also unique in their intent to address all gun violence: "Spending money to prevent kids from getting to that point can have ripple effects outside of the school walls as well—in reducing violence on the street, and treating the trauma that precedes it."

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  • Solving the Suicide Crisis in the Arctic Circle

    In a town called Clyde River, located in the Arctic Circle, the Ilisaqsivik Society is attempting to reverse the trauma inflicted on the Inuit people by climate change and cultural trends away from tradition. The Ilisaqsivik Society connects youth with their elders, maintains a community center, and offers counseling to help reduce teen suicide rates.

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  • Last year, 39 UK youths were fatally stabbed. None were in Scotland. Why?

    Glasgow used to be called the murder capital of Western Europe until officials decided to tackle violent crime with a public health focus, using tactics similar to those used to control epidemics. A carrot and stick approach included harsher sentences for possessing a knife, but also an array of services designed to connect gang kids with jobs, housing, therapy and education. Violence dropped dramatically as much of the gang infrastructure was dismantled, so other cities are exploring adopting the model.

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  • Ohio Schools Start Thinking out of the Box to Stem School Shootings: Expanded Teacher Training Versus the 22 Safes With Loaded Guns

    Statewide, Ohio schools are debating the best methods to prevent school shootings. A seemingly bipartisan measure that is becoming increasingly popular is “red flag” laws, meaning individuals that show a potential threat can have their weapons temporarily taken away. Such laws have already been passed in California, Indiana, Connecticut, and other states. While the state weighs its options, issues like financial and practical viability present an underlying concern for everyone involved.

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  • When the shooting stops: how US schools handle mass trauma

    Trauma is a growing problem for school children, particularly in the age of mass shootings. But trauma also comes from a variety of triggers, including losing a loved one, poverty, immigration status and witnessing violence. Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools has proven effective, especially for younger kids, at giving children tools to manage trauma but it has been a struggle to find funding for this program around the country.

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  • Extreme Risk Protection Orders

    If we can't reach consensus on gun laws, what about ensuring people who may be a threat to themselves or the community cannot access their firearms? Extreme risk protection orders are already in place in four states and are under consideration by some 20 more. These orders allow people who have evidence that someone poses a threat to petition a judge. If a judge agrees then police can take someone's firearms on a temporary basis and require the person to attend counseling.

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