Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Ohio Organization Rekindling Indigenous Foodways

    The Native American Indian Center of Central Ohio opened a food truck that sells Indigenous cuisine to boost public awareness of the Native American community and increase intertribal and inter-generational knowledge sharing.

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  • Room for everyone: Tribal college expands its reach

    Tohono O’odham Community College in Arizona shifted its courses online during the pandemic and offered them for free to any Native student, expanding the tribal college's reach beyond the Tohono O’odham Nation for the first time. The college saw its enrollment jump by 96 percent — the largest increase of any tribal college in 2020 — and now serves students representing 55 tribal nations.

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  • This library lets you borrow people instead of books. It just may help bridge our bitter divisions

    Human Library is a nonprofit learning platform that allows people to borrow “human books” instead of books. Each person represents a group that faces prejudice or stigmas because of their lifestyle, ethnicity, beliefs, or disability. The group has held in-person and online events in over 80 countries where participants can ask difficult questions that they might feel embarrassed to ask otherwise. The experiences encourage empathy and are nonpartisan. The library has over 1,000 “human books” who speak over 50 languages and has provided speakers for major corporations conducting diversity trainings.

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  • North Carolina's Latino residents are more vaccinated than the non-hispanic population

    Hispanic residents in North Carolina went from having one of the lowest vaccination rates to one of the highest. The health department ran bilingual ads on a variety of media types, including social media and held virtual town halls and Facebook Live events. They also paid community health workers in each county to use their existing relationships with Latino residents and improve access to information about the vaccine and to the vaccine itself. Outreach from trusted ambassadors has proven more effective among communities that have deep mistrust of institutionalized structures.

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  • A River's Right to Flow

    In order to preserve and protect rivers a new movement that grants rivers personhood rights is growing. In places like New Zealand and Oregon, where some of these measures have passed rivers have the right to flow without having to be used as a resource for consumption. In New Mexico, the state engineer approved a water lease submitted by the National Audobon Society. The lease allows about 13 million gallons of water to flow annually solely for its own sake, similiar to personhood rights. The creative approach is one way conservationists are fighting for water preservation.

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  • In Southeast Alaska, a new type of conservation

    Collaboration amongst scientists, hunters, park rangers, former timber harvesters, and members of the Indigenous community is leading to new solutions for persistent problems. The Sustainable Southeast Partnership has been secured to “center indigenous-led stewardship” for sustainable solutions to conflicts that once pitted the unsustainable Alaskan logging industry with locals who were directly impacted.

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  • How Nigerian Sign Language Interpreters Help Children Dispel Fear Of Coronavirus

    A team of sign language interpreters across Nigeria translated into indigenous Nigerian sign language, the internationally acclaimed book “My Hero is You” which helps children, their parents and caregivers understand and answer questions about the coronavirus. With the signing of this book into an indigenous Nigerian sign language, deaf signers can now reach out to their communities. They teach them in the sign language they understand, using local words to explain how the virus came to be and how to prevent its spread and protect their communities.

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  • How decades of stopping forest fires made them worse

    Prescribed burning or controlled burning is an ancestral indigenous practice in which specific sections of a forest are burned. Controlled burning also happens naturally like when lightning strikes a forest. Controlled burning is good for a forest, it gets rid of dead areas, leads to healthier soil by clearing the ground, and minimizes the strength of large fires. However, due to U.S. laws that criminalized controlled burns the practice was discouraged in the U.S. Now, due to climate change and larger fires, prescribed burning is making a come back.

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  • Grassroots movements fight a broken system

    "Land defenders" from the Six Nations blocked a planned housing development on contested land by swiftly moving to occupy the site, even after a police raid in which nine protesters were arrested. In place of the now-canceled development, the community erected a dozen tiny homes and a communal kitchen. The protest serves as a model for another occupation by members of the Kanien’kehá:ka Nation at Kahnawake, whose 75-day holdout protests a planned 290-unit housing development on land that is subject to the nation's unresolved claim.

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  • How one town put politics aside to save itself from fire

    The Ashland Watershed Protection Project is a collaboration between the community, the Forest Service, and environmental activists. The community leads the process, with input from local Native American leaders, to clear brush and cut down trees for fire maintenance while minimizing forest destruction and preventing logging companies from profiting. Instead, a is in charge of determining which areas, trees, and brush should be cleared for fire safety.

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