Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Slow but steady progress on removing offensive place names in Oregon

    The U.S. Board of Geographic Names and the Oregon Geographic Names Board are changing offensive and racist geographic place names in the state. When looking to change a name, the boards reach out to community members and experts for recommendations. They also review new name proposals that locals submit for both unnamed and named locations.

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  • How El Paso Is Fighting Back Against Book Bans In Texas

    In an effort against book bans, the city council of El Paso, Texas, unanimously passed a resolution that mandates every public library in the city to include a section of banned books featuring the stories of historically marginalized people.

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  • Jewish teens, led by Ezra Beinart, are gathering on Zoom to meet prominent Palestinians

    High school junior Ezra Beinart founded an initiative that invites Palestinians to speak with young American Jews via video chat. The goal of the project, which has hosted six speakers so far, is to introduce Jewish teenagers to perspectives on Israel-Palestine that they may not be exposed to within their communities.

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  • Vote like Voters in Minneapolis

    For its mayoral elections, Minneapolis uses ranked-choice voting, a process that allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference rather than choosing just one. The system, along with the state's culture of civic engagement and its ease of voting, is believed to have contributed to record-high turnout during the 2021 election, when more than half of registered voters in the city cast a ballot.

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  • “Vieques is our home”: 24 years of the Vieques Women's Alliance

    The Viequense Women’s Alliance combines the knowledge from community youth and experienced advocacy mentors to develop community leaders who are educated on current issues and technology. Women of all ages join together to advocate for their human rights.

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  • OJU ELERI: The radio program holding power to account in Osun State

    Urban Alert is a civic-tech organization that aims to hold government officials accountable through broadcasting corruption complaints on the radio and social media, documenting evidence of uncompleted public projects, and filing Freedom of Information Act requests. The organization has reportedly helped resolve more than 300 complaints, including issues related to electrical infrastructure, road construction, and health care systems.

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  • Por qué las líderes comunitarias son un actor clave para promover los derechos del grupo étnico más perseguido del mundo

    En los campos de refugiados en Nueva Dehli, el trabajo de las mujeres en coordinación con agencias de ayuda humanitaria resulta efectivo para mejorar la inclusión escolar de las niñas rohinyás, combatir el matrimonio infantil y mejorar las condiciones de salud.

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  • How one northeast Pa. county runs drama-free elections with just 2 people on its election staff

    To make sure its elections run smoothly, the tiny election staff in one Pennsylvania county coordinates helpers from across the county government's departments, who process mail-in ballots while full-time staff oversee in-person voting. The office also invites the public to observe the election process and weigh in on important decisions, such as what type of voting machines are used.

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  • Election Tech Could End Voting Malpractices In Nigeria, But Not Yet

    In an attempt to address fraud and malpractice, Nigeria introduced the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System and the INEC Result Viewing Portal, which verify voters' identities using voter numbers, fingerprints, and facial recognition, and publicly shares election results in real-time. The technologies were successfully implemented in 76 percent of voting locations in one state in 2022, but voters and local officials say there are still issues with disenfranchisement and technical glitches.

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  • Groups helping remove barriers to help get Jacksonville voters to the polls

    Free Rides to the Polls is a collaboration among churches across Jacksonville that leverages volunteer drivers to help people who don’t have transportation get to polling locations. During early voting in May 2023, the program helped at least 400 people cast their ballots.

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