Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • People face a 'desperate' reality after leaving prison. Two Atlanta women are pushing to change that.

    Barred Business campaigns for improved laws against discrimination in the city and connects residents of Atlanta, Georgia, who were formerly incarcerated with services, funding, and housing.

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  • Armed Community Groups Are Defending Texas Drag Queens From Christian Fascists

    Armed members of Veterans for Equality and other community groups are showing up to protect drag queens from violent protestors at events throughout the state. In addition, several venues that host drag events have begun investing in hiring more professional private security to keep both performers and attendees safe.

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  • Estijos laimėjimas – internetinis balsavimas: kas anksčiau atrodė kaip mokslinė fantastika, dabar – neatskiriama rinkimų dalis

    Estija - vienintelė valstybė pasaulyje, sudaranti galimybę savo piliečiams tiek nacionaliniuose, tiek regioniniuose rinkimuose balsuoti internetu. Nors rinkėjų aktyvumo ši galimybė ženkliai neišaugino, ja gana aktyviai naudojasi anksčiau nebalsavę ir kitose pasaulio šalyse gyvenantys estai. Žurnalistė domisi, ar internetinis balsavimas būtų pritaikomas Lietuvoje.

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  • Austrijos pėdomis – ar balsavimas nuo 16 metų paskatintų rinkėjų aktyvumą ir Lietuvoje?

    Austrija ženkliai padidino gyventojų aktyvumą rinkimuose, suteikdama galimybę juose balsuoti piliečiams nuo 16 metų. Po parlamente įvykusių diskusijų bei konsultacijų su visomis suinteresuotomis pusėmis, įstatymų leidėjas priėmė amžiaus cenzą mažinantį įstatymą. Šis sprendimas taip pat padidino jaunimo susidomėjimą politika. Straipsnyje svarstoma, ar tokia reforma galėtų būti įgyvendinta Lietuvoje.

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  • Belgijoje balsavimas rinkimuose privalomas – bet ar baudos lemia aukštą aktyvumą?

    Belgijoje rinkėjų aktyvumas siekia net 90 proc. Tai pavyko įvedus privalomą visų piliečių balsavimą rinkimuose.

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  • Campaign Finance Reformers Hope to Convert Their First State to Democracy Vouchers

    Seattle's democracy voucher program allows residents to donate to political candidates of their choice using public funding, which has greatly diversified local races and made them more competitive. Now, governments in New Hampshire and Minnesota are considering implementing statewide versions of the program.

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  • Anti-Discrimination Toolbox

    The Center for Belarusian Solidarity provides legal advice, information, and support to Belarusian migrants who face discrimination in Poland due to their country's relationship with Russia. Lawyers from the center can help advocate for refugees at visa centers or refer them to the Commissioner for Human Rights in more severe cases of discrimination.

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  • The Moms Fighting Against Moms for Liberty

    In response to a rise in extremist activism in their school districts, a group of parents, students, and educators in the Hudson Valley formed Defense of Democracy, which rallies at school board meetings, hosts workshops on education activism, collaborates with local elected leaders, spearheads petitions, and more. The group helped two of its endorsed candidates win school board elections and has now grown to roughly 1,500 active volunteers nationwide.

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  • Diversion of UBE Funds impedes delivery of quality education in Nigeria, but HDI devises a means to hold state government accountable

    Human Development Initiatives trains community members to monitor school infrastructure projects eligible for government education funding and gather information to present to the state board when projects are not completed. As a result of the community tracking efforts, several schools have received significant upgrades.

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  • Efforts to Expand Ballot Access in Washington State Jails Face Local Pushback

    Washington lawmakers allocated $2.5 million in grant funding to help jails improve voting access for people incarcerated there, which resulted in a big spike in ballots cast in one facility that participated. But only five counties applied for the grant program, and jail officials interested in participating have faced opposition from political representatives in some areas.

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