Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • 'We don't read print': Blind voters say new accessible ballot measures fall short

    In 2022, New York rolled out a new accessible voting option for blind residents, allowing them to fill out their ballots electronically using screen reader technology. Roughly 1,000 people requested the accessible ballots for the 2022 general election, but blind voters say there are still issues that need to be worked out, such as the requirement to print and mail in the ballots.

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  • Doug Mastriano's proposed voter roll purge addresses a non-existent problem and targets vulnerable voters, experts say

    Pennsylvania uses ERIC, or the Electronic Registration Information Center, to cross-check its voter rolls against Department of Motor Vehicle data from other states to identify voters who have moved and become "inactive." In 2020, state and county leaders reported they removed more than 180,000 out-of-state residents and 80,000 deceased voters.

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  • O Combate às Fake News nas Aldeias

    Na Amazônia Brasileira, indígenas fazem podcasts e oficinas para ensinar comunidades a identificar desinformações. Para disseminar o conteúdo, são usadas as redes sociais e o WhatsApp.

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  • Blind and low-vision voters hail Massachusetts' new statewide online voting option

    In 2021, Massachusetts debuted a new election service that allows voters with disabilities to cast their ballots electronically through a secure web portal. Originally piloted in five municipalities, the system was used by six people last year and is now available statewide.

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  • How parts of northwestern Ontario bucked the provincial trend of a lower municipal voter turnout

    Though voter turnout for municipal elections dropped about 4 percent across Ontario in 2022, a handful of communities in the northwestern part of the province bucked that trend by switching to online voting or telephone voting and a focus on outreach with younger residents. In the town of Atikokan, about 56 percent of eligible voters cast ballots, compared to 34 percent throughout the province as a whole.

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  • Ten Years Ago, Occupy Sandy Didn't Just Help New Yorkers, It Redefined Disaster Response

    The mutual-aid group Occupy Sandy helped New York City residents affected by Superstorm Sandy. Using and expanding the network of people created by Occupy Wall Street, 60,000 volunteers distributed supplies, created a map of relief locations, and organized helping hands wherever necessary.

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  • False information is everywhere. 'Pre-bunking' tries to head it off early

    Governments, companies, and nonprofits are using a strategy called "pre-bunking" to teach people the tactics and strategies behind misinformation so that they can recognize and scrutinize it when they see it online. After Twitter released several dozen pre-bunks about elections in the United States and Brazil, about 39 percent of users they surveyed said they were more confident that there wouldn't be election fraud, and about half said they were able to pause and question what they saw in online posts.

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  • Embodying Civic Spirit

    New York City-based organization Civic Spirit trains educators who work in religious schools to teach American civics and history from an interfaith perspective. The nonprofit also hosts programs for students in which they work together to tackle a civic challenge.

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  • How a non-profit is fighting climate change through tree planting in Kwara State

    The Save Sahara Network plants trees at schools and other public places in an effort to help mitigate climate change. The organization also offers webinars and educational programs aimed at teaching youth about conservation and climate literacy.

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  • Beyond the US midterms: The Swiss answer to congressional gridlock

    Switzerland has a long tradition of national referendums to decide issues ranging from retirement structures to vacation requirements to voting rights. Citizens can gather signatures — 50,000 or 100,000, depending on whether they want to reconsider an already-passed law or propose new legislation — to put their issue on the ballot.

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