Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Grupo liberal busca atraer a votantes latinos con $57 millones en ocho estados

    Ahora aprovechando su éxito en elecciones pasados, Somos Votantes y su comité de acción política trabajan para ampliar la educación y la participación de los votantes hispanos principalmente a través de visitas puerta a puerta, información bilingüe pagada, y una “sólida” organización comunitaria.

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  • Could ranked-choice voting take the poison out of politics?

    After Alaska and Maine implemented ranked-choice voting, which allows citizens to rank candidates in the order of their preference, voters reported feeling more engaged in the process and noticing less extreme rhetoric among politicians running for office. Despite efforts to repeal the system on the basis that it is confusing, about 70 percent of voters ranked more than one candidate on their ballot.

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  • Deep red Utah wants to keep voting by mail

    Utah has universal vote-by-mail, in which every eligible voter receives a ballot in the mail ahead of elections. Even as other Republican-led states have placed more restrictions on voting by mail, Utah legislators have rejected proposed changes, and roughly three-quarters of likely voters in 2024 say they think the process produces “fair outcomes.”

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  • Dairy Digesters Promise to Cut Methane — Unfortunately, They Might Be an Inefficient Band-Aid

    Dairy digesters are oxygen-free systems that break down organic material like manure and turn methane into “biogas,” which can be used to generate electricity or processed into transportation fuel. Once heralded and championed by the California Department of Food and Agriculture as one of the most cost-effective emissions reductions programs, new research shows the real cost is up to 17-times more than what state and industry officials have publicly claimed.

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  • America has a good model for how to handle immigration: America

    The United States’ refugee resettlement program provides language classes, job training, housing help, and support in applying for federal benefits, among other services, to refugees placed by the agency. However, the same type of assistance is not provided for all types of migrants, such as asylum seekers.

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  • Get Loud Arkansas sees success in new voter registration strategy

    Since Arkansas does not allow online voter registration, Get Loud Arkansas collects voters’ information via an online form and then submits the registration paperwork for them, helping reach residents who are less likely to register in person via paper applications. So far, 358 people have registered using the organization’s online system, and nearly 80 percent of those were people under 20.

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  • These farmworkers created America's strongest workplace heat rules

    To fight for safer working conditions, a coalition of farmworkers staged protests and led boycotts of corporations such as McDonald’s and Taco Bell, which helped persuade the companies to join their push for better treatment. This led to the creation of the Fair Food Program, an initiative that certifies farms that comply with strict safety standards and gives them access to some of the largest buyers of produce. Farms in 10 states now participate in the program, providing protections for roughly 20,000 workers.

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  • Reclaiming Our Homes

    Moms for Housing reclaim vacant homes owned by investors to provide a place for single mothers to live. Advocating for housing as a human right, 13 organizers are currently living in these unoccupied houses and through civil disobedience, managed to negotiate temporary housing as they continue fighting for permanent solutions to the area’s housing crisis.

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  • From inspiration to action: young Nigerians take charge of their communities

    Turnup Jigawa is a leadership program that provides mentorship around advocacy and communication with the goal of training young people to engage with lawmakers and community stakeholders. Students go on to spearhead projects in their own communities, such as one participant’s awareness campaign around environmental hygiene and another’s initiative to provide college and career counseling to secondary students.

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  • NM endowment offers perpetual funding source for rural libraries

    The New Mexico Rural Library Initiative advocated for an endowment fund to create a perpetual funding source for a group of community libraries in small, low-income towns. The money in the fund is invested, and the interest earned is distributed to the libraries each year.

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