Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Harnessing the power of Latino voters could reshape politics in Texas

    Texas voter registration initiatives are aimed at Latino voters, where less than 41% of eligible Latinos voted in 2016. Voto Latino focuses on college campuses, registering 15% of all new Texas voters in 2018. Southwest Voter Registration Education Project visits Latino-majority schools, including reaching out to 500 high schools across Texas. Jolt Action registers voters, held the first Latino-focused political candidate forum in Texas attended by 870 people, and runs Poder Quince where girls can have a free photo booth at their quinceañera if paired with a voter registration table and pledge to vote at 18.

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  • The Beto Effect: Transforming Houston's Criminal Justice System

    Beto O’Rourke’s failed Senate campaign in 2018 nonetheless has made lasting change in Texas’ largest city, where Democrats drawn to the polls by O'Rourke's candidacy swept out Republican judges who had blocked various criminal justice reforms. Since then, Houston's newly Democrat-controlled judiciary has transformed a famously punitive legal culture. It largely abolished cash bail in low-level cases, keeping more defendants out of jail pending trial. The city sends far fewer juveniles to youth prisons, and now prosecutors at all levels face stiffer resistance when they appear in court.

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  • City watchdog says Chicago's arrest diversion program for youth can't be evaluated due to poor record keeping and lack of collaboration

    Over the past 14 years, the city of Chicago has been running a Juvenile Intervention and Support Center (JISC) to help divert youth away from the criminal justice system. The goal of the program, which took a $5 million investment, was to connect them with social services, favoring rehabilitation over punitive measures. But because of record destruction, lack of record keeping, and an inability by the police and Department of Family and Support Services to collaborate, a recent audit has proved unable to determine the success of the JISC.

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  • Meet the Latinos Trying to Get Latinos to the Polls

    The Democratic Party consistently struggles to turn out the Latinx vote, which is projected to be 32 million people. Instead of trying to find a cohesive message for this incredibly diverse group of people like in the past, Democratic candidates this year are letting Latinx people lead engagement in their own communities.

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  • The birth of a movement: how activists are winning the battle to make abortion a right

    In a country with a history of strong religious opposition to abortion, Argentinian pro-choice activists have begun to shift the political landscape around reproductive rights by leveraging young organizers, diversifying their movement, using technology to share information and support, and building visible solidarity through "green" symbolism. To bring Catholics into the effort, organizers emphasize the public health risks of keeping abortion illegal, a rhetoric that has led to government changes such as the creation of a ministry of women, gender and diversity that includes pro-choice activists.

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  • Iowa Election Snafu: What Happens When IT And Cybersecurity Best Practices Are Ignored

    The wireless application that malfunctioned during the Iowa caucuses highlighted lessons that election officials must apply in future caucuses. The app skipped or was deficient in most of the established best practices for developing software systems. Software should meet minimum privacy and security standards and it should be tested for functionality and security, with access to regular maintenance as needed. Officials should understand the importance of the best practices and standards when making IT decisions and regular testing to identify vulnerabilities, which are promptly addressed, should take place.

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  • To Sway Swing Voters, Try Empathy

    Deep canvassing goes beyond talking points, encouraging empathetic dialogue. The New York-based organization, Changing the Conversation Together, trains volunteers in the practice of deep canvassing. Instead of just focusing on a candidate’s talking points in an effort to mobilize potential voters, deep canvassing promotes conversation, listening, and empathy. Canvassers are taught to relay a personal story, a message of love, as a way to connect with the people they meet.

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  • Mountain athletes push progress over perfection in climate fight

    Since 2007, Protect Our Winters (POW) has engaged outdoor athletes to advocate for climate change. They believe in “imperfect advocacy,” in which they focus on corporate polluters whose habits can create larger-scale change, rather than putting the impetus for change solely on individuals. In doing so, they have been able to successfully engage athletes in their mission, build a partnership with the Climate Action Corps, a coalition of outdoor outfitters working for change at a corporate-level, and host rallies to sway public officials.

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  • A Group of Mothers, a Vacant Home, and a Win for Fair Housing

    Moms 4 Housing, a collective of women and their children, occupied a vacant 3-bedroom house in Oakland to secure housing for themselves and call attention to the Bay Area’s lack of affordable housing. Despite being removed and arrested by heavily armed deputies, the movement grew and the developer has agreed to sell the house to Oakland’s Community Land Trust at market value and offer the right of first refusal on other properties. The group also urged state senator Scott Weiner to introduce amendments to a bill currently under consideration that would protect affordable housing from developers.

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  • There's a nationwide shortage of poll workers. Cities are relying on teens for help

    Many cities are turning to 16- and 17-year-olds to address poll worker shortages. Election officials say the students are also more tech savvy, racially and ethnically diverse, and enthusiastic. 400 students in Minneapolis, which has the highest turnout in midterm elections, made up 16% of all poll workers and were at 131 of its 132 polling places. Milwaukee has had less success recruiting students. In 2016, the last year they reported this data, students made up just 1% of poll workers. Structural barriers caused by high poverty rates and much lower compensation than other cities likely limit success.

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