Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Can an Algorithm Tell When Kids Are in Danger?

    Wrongly assessing risks for children in potentially abusive or dangerous homes has dire consequences, but a new predictive analytics system is assisting screeners to help those who need it most.

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  • Ohio Is At the Center of a National Debate Over Drawing Political Lines

    Gerrymandered Congressional districts, drawn using evermore individualized voter data, are set up to tip elections across the United States. Lawmakers and voting advocates are pushing back and creating new methods of making the maps. From independent commissions to constitutional amendments, here’s what’s happening in California, Colorado, Iowa, Ohio, Michigan, Missouri, Oregon, South Dakota and Utah.

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  • Harvey overwhelmed some levee systems. Future storms could do worse.

    The aftermath of Hurricane Harvey left many Houston residents questioning the efficacy of one of the city’s only protections, the Levee Improvement Districts (LID), responsible for providing flood protection. In neighborhoods prone to flooding, there has been much debate about the actual protection the current levees provide, leading many to call for solutions like the expansion of the LIDs through elections (rather than appointees) or raising the levees.

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  • Black Alabamians discuss their decisive role in Doug Jones' victory

    In Alabama, grassroots organizing targeting black voters resulted in a huge voter turnout. “98 percent of black women voted for Jones (Tyson’s initial estimate was conservative) along with 93 percent of black men.” “Just calling, knocking on doors, talking to people face-to-face, letting them know why this campaign matters, I think that’s the reason we won.”

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  • When Citizens Assemble

    Ireland held a citizens’ assembly to discuss the country’s contentious abortion laws and demonstrated the potential of such democracy-building initiatives. A random selection of participants gathered over five weekends and formulated recommendations after hours of respectful, fact-based discussion.

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  • Build, flood, rebuild: flood insurance's expensive cycle

    What was originally conceived of to help protect homes from flooding has instead trapped homeowners in an endless cycle of filing claims and rebuilding their homes. The National Flood Insurance Program was supposed to discourage development in flooding zones and ease the costs after disasters. With lobbying money and power from developers, realtors associations, and others with vested interests, any opportunity to redesign the system through Congress have haven’t gone far.

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  • As shootings and homicides drop in Englewood, a new optimism grows

    In Chicago's Englewood neighborhood, a name long synonymous with violence and gang activity, a mix of robust, data-driven policing and community engagement reversed a spike in violence from 2016 to 2017 to a degree unmatched anywhere else in the city. A $1.5 million investment in the Strategic Decision Support Center enabled Chicago Crime Lab analysts working with police at the neighborhood level to pinpoint problems and respond quickly. At the same time, police took a less antagonistic stance toward residents. That and lowered violence produced healthier activities like block parties and job fairs.

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  • Denmark's new feminist party declares, 'Out with the racists! In with the feminists!'

    “Out with the racists, in with the feminists!” is the slogan of a new political party in Denmark. The Feministik Initiativ is “a new intersectional feminist party in Denmark.” It won 3,258 votes in the regional election. The party hopes to counter anti-immigrant sentiment, as well as fight for issues like equal pay and zero employment discrimination.

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  • First Nations powering up B.C.

    From solar to geothermal to biomass projects, First Nations are finding ways to confront and combat fossil fuel concerns head on. In fact, over 30 Nations have some type of renewable energy source powering their communities, while 15 more have projects underway. Despite a lack of governmental funding assistance, First Nations are acting as a collective model for how communities can provide their own clean power to their own people.

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  • Pedal to Porch

    In Detroit, Michigan, residents reduce the effects of gentrification through physical activity and shared storytelling. The non-profit Pedal to Porch encourages residents to bike to their neighbors’ homes and record their memories. The effort helps retain some of the identity in Detroit’s changing communities and establishes new connections for the city to grow. Founder Cornetta Lane notes, “communities are more likely to bounce back from social and natural disasters when they know each other.”

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