Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Strangers, Sidewalks and Folding Chairs Are One Solution for the Loneliness Epidemic

    Making personal connections supports mental health and wellbeing. The San Francisco-based nonprofit, Sidewalk Talk, trains volunteers to go out and engage on a personal level with individuals in underserved communities. The volunteers simply listen and provide empathy, a valuable resource for those who might not have access to mental health care.

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  • To Confront Effects of Trauma, Start with Self Care

    Building resilience and self-care into daily life promotes long-term wellbeing. In Minneapolis, Minnesota, the Catalyst Initiative works to support the emotional and mental wellbeing of underserved groups by promoting culturally relevant approaches to self-care. Catalyst funds organizations that serve Indigenous communities, communities of color, as well as other programs that encourage people to practice mindfulness and self-care as a way to heal from trauma and stress associated with economic, personal, or social issues.

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  • 'Lots of us have skeletons:' South Burlington firefighters learn yoga, meditation to stay well

    Vermont’s South Burlington fire department has started offering its firefighters yoga and meditation services as a way to cope with trauma. The services are offered by the Vermont Center for Responder Wellness, which was created as a response to the traumatic experiences many first responders face. The training includes mindfulness, breathing, stretching, and refocusing.

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  • Building resiliency an elementary school goal

    Elementary schools in New Hampshire are implementing several programs to help build resiliency in their students and reduce the risk of suicide. One program includes introducing trauma care coordinators, while another encourages students to write letters about their concerns. Both tactics have had positive results, evident through fewer recorded cases of problematic behavioral issues.

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  • Therapy dog a game-changer at Pleasant Street School

    Elementary schools in New Hampshire are introducing pet therapy to better serve their students who are experiencing emotional distress. In one school, the therapy dog acts as "a reward for good behavior, a transition to talking about what happened that made a child misbehave, a way-station for calming and resetting surging emotions, and a bridge for shy youngsters who become animated when speaking to a non-judgmental pet."

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  • A district wades through a deluge of social-emotional learning curricula

    As the education community increasingly raises up social-emotional curricula as a solution to rising anxiety levels in young children, it can be hard for schools to know which of the countless programs and curricula are actually effective. One district in Virginia might have found a promising model — Bristol's schools have made several simple changes to give students the space to talk openly about their emotions and are seeing clear academic improvements.

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  • Suicide Is Preventable. Hospitals and Doctors Are Finally Catching Up

    Medical professionals throughout the United States are starting to implement mental health screenings during routine care in order to better assess those at risk of suicide. Using a combination of health records and questionnaires to flag which patients should have continued follow-ups, clinics and primary care specialists prioritization of suicide intervention is already showing significant results.

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  • Youth suicide prevention that works

    New Hampshire K-12 schools are trying a variety of different initiatives to try to reduce the rates of suicide amongst youth. So far, two school-based prevention programs – one used in New Hampshire and one used in Sweden – have shown evidence of success. Both teach students how to recognize signs of depression and suicide risk and have reduced the rate of suicidal thoughts and attempts.

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  • Mental health a daily lesson in schools

    A middle school in New Hampshire has piloted a program that focuses on dividing the school into different wings and offering classes on "mental wellness, conflict resolution, and healthy ways to communicate" with the goal of better addressing the emotional wellbeing of students. The outcomes have been promising thus far, with students reporting improved effects on their mental health.

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  • Ypsi-based program partners with formerly incarcerated writers to help youth heal through creativity

    Telling It, a Ypsilanti, Michigan based organization, uses creative writing, spoken word, and other forms of self-expression as a method of healing and mental health care for area youth. It hires people with similar life experiences and backgrounds as teachers and mentors, so that the young participants feel safe and welcome to share their experiences and feel understood. The program started as a literacy program but has since placed more emphasis on healing, even having social workers on its staff.

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