Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Movement And Breathing Breaks Help Students Stay Focused On Learning

    Schools are increasingly using mindfulness practices to help students transition from high-energy periods like gym and recess to quieter and more focused classroom settings.

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  • The New Art of Making Friends and Finding Community

    In the United Kingdom, loneliness is an epidemic. Those who feel chronically lonely may have weaker immune systems, an increased risk of cancer, and shorter life spans. These afflictions and risks associated with loneliness put a strain on the country's National Health Service. Many organizations like AgeUK, which offers companionship matching, and Silverline, which offers a 24-hour conversation helpline, specifically target the elderly. But research shows that young people are lonely too, which is why these solutions are an important addition to fighting loneliness.

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  • Veterinarian Suicide

    Suicide is becoming increasingly common in the veterinary medicine field due to many factors such as financial anxiety and the extreme stress of the job in general. To combat this, veterinarian organizations are connecting veterinarians with one another, focusing on improving community mental health and reducing stigma.

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  • On-Demand Grandkids and Robot Pals to Keep Senior Loneliness at Bay

    Research shows that prolonged feelings of loneliness can have unhealthy outcomes, and the likelihood of experiencing loneliness increases as a person ages. To combat this, many technology companies are trying a host of solutions targeted at senior citizens that includes tools such as interactive robots as well as an app that employs college students to acts as "grandchildren on demand.”

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  • For cops, stress may be the biggest danger. This city is trying new ways to improve their mental health.

    Stockton, California is known as one of the most dangerous cities in the state, making the police department one of the most overburdened departments as well. That hasn't deterred the department from taking steps to change police culture by implementing programs such as a wellness network that aims to reduce officer PTSD.

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  • California Chef Aims To Help Restaurant Workers Prevent Suicide

    The restaurant industry can be incredibly stressful for those that work in it, but a chef based in Sacramento is trying to change this by focusing efforts on suicide prevention through education, trainings and other resource implementation. "This is a place for me to help my people," he says. "We are storytellers at the end of the day. And one of our stories is going to be about mental health."

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  • Another tool to improve student mental health? Kids talking to kids

    Taos High School's EQ Retreat is an opportunity for seniors to share their experiences with stress and trauma with underclassmen, providing a relatable voice and lessons for overcoming the challenges inside and outside the walls of high school. "Peer-led social emotional learning is the answer," the teacher-leader of the retreat said.

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  • Scavenger hunt at Copper Mountain Resort will raise funds for mental health

    A mental health awareness and suicide prevention nonprofit Building Hope in Summit County, CO is teaming up with another nonprofit called Snowboarders and Skiers for Christ to host a scavenger hunt that educates Coloradans about suicide prevention and raises funds for community mental health initiatives and programs. The scavenger hunt combines a popular physical activity (skiing) with mental or physical puzzles that require participants to learn something about mental health before moving on to the next challenge. The program, called Secret Spot, aims to tackle the taboo around mental health.

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  • How the U.K. is fighting the loneliness epidemic

    Lonliness is a huge health risk in senior citizens. To address this, the U.K. is killing two birds with one stone by assigning mail carriers a couple of seniors to check in on once a week. Mail carriers already know the area well and are easily recognizable, so regular conversations with residents were a logical next step. The carriers conduct surveys every week in order to gain quantitative data to inform their practices, and the program continues to be a success with the senior citizens served.

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  • How to reduce light pollution, an underestimated threat to our environment

    There is so little artificial light in Flagstaff that you can see the Milky Way from downtown. The city has banned sweeping searchlights, required outdoor light to be shielded downwards, and switched illumination on all roadways and parking lots to low-pressure sodium lights. Annual “star parties” and other events keep residents committed to reducing light pollution, which has big impacts on human and animal health.

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