Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A Haven From Trauma's Cruel Grip

    Victims of trauma are at risk for substance abuse, depression, or other difficulties. Trauma Recovery Centers are becoming increasingly prevalent for their ability to provide a wide range of services.

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  • Health workers create support network to north central Ohio mothers

    Community Health Workers in Richmond County work to reduce barriers - including employment, education, smoking, food security or housing - that may contribute to the likelihood of infant mortality. Using the Community HUB Pathways Model to minimize significant sources of stress in a woman’s life, they are helping drive down infant mortality rates in Ohio, particularly for women and babies of color.

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  • How Poverty Changes the Brain

    Living in poverty can impact brain functioning due to the consistent stress and can lead to difficulty with problem solving, decision making, and goal setting. A Boston-based project, EMPath, addresses this issue by assisting families with identifying goals and taking the steps to accomplish these goals.

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  • What can the UK learn from Finland's approach to mental health?

    Finland’s Mental Health Hub is an online resource that provides tools to manage stress, depression, and substance dependency as well as therapy with a diagnosis. The resource has helped treat low acuity mental health issues by providing greater access without an increase in cost.

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  • Will Norway Ever Beat the Winter Blues?

    In Scandinavian countries, where daylight is very limited during the winter months, residents are more prone to seasonal affective disorder. To combat this, a town square In Norway has mounted mirrors that create a high sun affect for two hours a day. Schools are also waking the students up during the wintertime with artificial lights in the classroom that mimic the light intensity cycle of a summer day.

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  • ‘They turned my life around': The people who work with rough sleepers

    Homelessness is on the rise in the UK, and for many "rough sleepers," finding sustainable support can be nearly impossible. But a number of charities, including Crisis, St. Mungo'ss, and Centrepoint are starting to take a more comprehensive approach to the problem by addressing mental health issues and their significant impact on prolonged homelessness. Now the charities focus on "a psychologically-informed approach."

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  • JPS Students Avoid Conflict with Peer Mediation

    Whitten Preparatory, a mostly black middle school, is one of four schools in Jackson that are trying to combat disciplinary issues and keep violence low by using peer mediation - training students to be mediators so they can help their classmates come to a peaceful resolution to their issues.

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  • What Mindfulness Does for Urban Kids

    In Baltimore, the effects of poverty hamper student's educational experience. This article looks at one school's attempt to address these education and behavioral barriers through meditation.

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  • New school rules? Swotting up on ‘positive education'

    In an aim to alleviate depression in youth, the concept of "positive education" emerges. While teaching empathy and multilateral collaboration may not be a priority in most teachers' lesson plans, especially ones who rely on standardized test scores, they are necessary skills that students need. This "positive education" ideology should be a priority in curricula as it is valued heavily by future employers.

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  • ‘We Failed Him': Caught in the Revolving Door of Juvenile Detention

    If juveniles in the Hinds County youth-court system, whose families tend to have limited resources, cannot get sustained, meaningful help at the center, they do not have many other options. But, thanks to a lawsuit on behalf of the juveniles in the facility, the county is starting to address the lack of mental-health services - whether in facilities or starting at home with the family.

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