Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Crisis Within: How Toxic Stress and Trauma Endanger Our Children

    Chronic toxic stress caused by violence in trauma in a child's life can be exceedingly harmful - but can be remedied through building personal relationships and trust.

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  • Crossing the Rubicon for disaster response

    Last year, Team Rubicon carried out 35 domestic operations and three international operations, with overlapping missions in Kathmandu, Nepal, and Barikiki, Kiribati, as well as an operation in Roseau, Dominica. The humanitarian organization has two goals: improving overseas disaster response and finding new ways to bring military veterans into humanitarian operations.

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  • A Daily Dose of Ecotherapy Eases Stress in Kids

    Ecotherapy is a term used to describe the positive impacts of using nature as a form of therapy for those experiencing psychological stressors. While this form of treatment is already being used to help veterans deal with PTSD, studies are also showing it may have similar benefits for children who are facing pressures.

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  • What Happens If You Try To Prevent Every Single Suicide?

    Suicide rates are rising in the U.S. The Henry Ford Health System in Detroit reduced suicide rates within their insurance plan by 80 percent by actively seeking at risk patients. They screen every hospital patient on every visit and immediately treat those in need.

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  • Early intervention can stop schizophrenia

    Mental health research results motivated the U.S. government to fund integrated treatment programs for first-episode psychosis in clinics across the nation.

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  • Can Surfing Reprogram the Veteran's Brain?

    Many veterans return to civilian life with experiences that lead to post-traumatic stress disorder, but a surf program at Camp Pendelton is showing promise as a means of treatment. Although there is no one-size fits all solution for PTSD treatment, those that have participated in Ocean Therapy are showing decreased signs of depression as well as other promising benefits.

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  • Helping Soldiers Transcend Trauma

    Rhonda Cornum survived captivity in the Iraq War—and now she’s helping her fellow soldiers overcome trauma and transform their lives. She has spearheaded a resilience program for the US Army, in which every single soldier participates. The results show a significant decline in substance abuse, and an uptick in optimism, good coping, adaptability, and character strength. However, the correlation with a decline in PTSD has not proven solid. needs more.

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  • The Truth About Suicide in Colorado

    More than 800,000 people worldwide, including about 40,000 Americans, die by suicide each year. Colorado is pushing to prevent suicides by promoting awareness and changing laws to help those at risk.

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  • What If Schools Hired Dogs As Therapists?

    Students who are suffering from stress outside of the classroom can often be emotionally hard to reach. A California elementary school uses a faculty dog to help ease the stress of students who come from difficult backgrounds.

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  • Depressed? Try Therapy Without the Therapist

    MoodGYM is an online program targeted to help those suffering from depression for whom it is a challenge to access therapy because of location or the stigma it carries. Essentially a therapy session in your pocket, the program allows users to access help at little to no cost, regardless of where they are or what time of day it is.

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