Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Breaking the Silence

    Clergy abuse in the Catholic church has been rampant and was often swept under the rug. Until Barrett Doyle and others started 'Bishop Accountability' to keep a record of clergy abuse, and a support group and blog have also been created as a path for healing and sharing stories that will also hopefully help prompt change in the church.

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  • The Complicated World of Higher Education for Troops and Veterans

    More than one million service members, veterans and their families take college courses financed with federal tax dollars. Their experiences are more complicated than those of their fresh-faced civilian peers, leading entities to explore the most effective ways to ensure they graduate.

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  • Welcome to the City of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    When kids grow up in violence-ridden areas, the psychological stress they endure can have impacts mimicking PTSD symptoms and often leads to less resiliency when it comes to joining gangs. Although there is no quick fix for this phenomenon, a program for at-risk kids in Philadelphia is turning to talk therapy in hopes of changing the direction of at least a few kids in the area.

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  • Fighting Depression, One Village at a Time

    Different programs in various nations are training ordinary people and creating community groups to effectively satisfy the mental health needs of their communities. In many of these regions, "treatment gaps" – where there are little to no mental health treatment plans or resources – exist, but this new informal infrastructure helps to fill that.

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  • Prisons Rethink Isolation, Saving Money, Lives and Sanity

    A positive transformation in a Mississippi prison has become a focal point for a growing number of states rethinking the use of long-term isolation. Humanitarian groups have long argued that solitary confinement has devastating psychological effects, but a central driver in the recent shift is economics. Some officials have also been persuaded by research suggesting that isolation is vastly overused and that it does little to reduce overall prison violence.

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  • Doctor Hotspot

    The highest hospital costs come from preventable emergency room visits. A doctor in Camden developed a home visit program which gives better and cheaper care.

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  • Surviving and thriving: What works to make teens stronger, more resilient

    In East Oakland, teens experience random violence, a lack of healthy food, and other sources of chronic stress. The consequences can be grave. At one school, the dropout rate is one in two. Learning to be resilient helps teens survive and even thrive. Multiple efforts are helping East Oakland teens to build this skill, including by connecting them with role models and mentors.

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