Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A Disease Tracker Backed by Gates and Zuckerberg Tackles Covid-19 in Cambodia

    Identifying the metagenomic sequencing for new outbreaks of viruses can help to better assess how the virus is spreading, which in turn helps health officials figure out how to slow down the contagion. In the midst of a coronavirus outbreak, a tool that was first used to during the SARS outbreak is now being used to track Covid-19 in under-resourced places such as Cambodia.

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  • Taiwan has millions of visitors from China and only 45 coronavirus cases. Here's how.

    Situated less than 90 miles from China, the coronavirus outbreak could have been critical in Taiwan, but the country's proactive measures helped to stave off the worst of the disease. Having learned from SARS epidemic, Taiwan had prepared for future situations by creating a comprehensive command center and implementing a transparent communication strategy both of which have helped slow the spread of Covid-19.

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  • The race to unravel the biggest coronavirus outbreak in the United States

    When virologists and genomicists in Seattle, Washington realized that COVID-19 was likely to spread to the United States, they began to research ways to keep vulnerable poplulations safe. So far, early success has come from replicating the Seattle Flu Study, which uses a swab test to "reveal the trail that the flu takes as it passes around households, homeless shelters, office parks and communities in the city," and now investors are putting money towards getting these tests into households.

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  • Paid to Stay Home: Europe's Safety Net Could Ease Toll of Coronavirus

    Europe's generous social policies, such as allowing employees to retain their salaries while taking sick time to care for themselves or family members, may help to mitigate the coronavirus outbreak while also safeguarding the economy. Although the long-term impacts are yet unknown, in the short term, government-provided incentives are helping people and businesses stay afloat.

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  • Is South Korea's approach to containing coronavirus a model for the rest of the world?

    In order to effectively manage the coronavirus outbreak in South Korea, government officials have stepped in by increasing transparency, subsidizing home medical equipment such as face masks, and rapidly distributing testing kits. The efforts have resulted in many more people already being tested than anticipated and behavioral changes taking effect within the population.

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  • Singapore contained Coronavirus. Could other countries learn from its approach?

    Singapore has seemingly been able to contain the coronavirus outbreak by relying on quick actions taken by the government and lessons learned from both the SARS and H1N1 outbreaks that impacted the region years ago. With "ready-made government quarantine facilities and a 330-bed, state-of-the-art national center for managing infectious diseases," the region has yet to see a death from this novel coronavirus despite 96 people identified as infected.

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  • To Survive Disaster, Plan for the Worst

    The United Nations and other international relief organizations are honing their skills at anticipating humanitarian disasters and then using that foresight to prevent at least some of their human toll, rather than simply reacting to the harm after the fact. By setting aside money or providing direct aid based on predictions of impending harm from natural and man-made disasters, aid agencies have helped would-be victims of floods in Bangladesh prepare more effectively and fed would-be victims of a Somalian famine before it struck.

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  • ALICE Is Overstating the Effectiveness of Its Active Shooter Trainings

    The ALICE Training Institute provides active-shooter training for schools around the United States. The organization’s website says that 18 schools have had success using its protocol, and yet an investigation by The Trace found that many of the schools they count as a success actually strayed from its methods. While lacking in proof of concept, school officials did report increased sense of safety and confidence because of the trainings.

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  • The Company Behind America's Scariest School Shooter Drills

    The ALICE Training Institute, a for-profit offering active shooter training, teaches participants to take a proactive approach to active shooters, differing from the long-held lock down approach. And while they’ve grown in popularity – the school security industry has grown to be worth $2.7 billion since Columbine – experts and school officials are questioning the approach’s efficacy and quality control. With constant debate and cultural shifts over who bears responsibility to prepare for and protect from shootings, parents are left wondering who or what will really keep their kids safe.

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  • Power Struggle

    The Blue Lake Rancheria Tribe in California installed its own small-scale electrical supply grid using solar panels and Tesla batteries to make their community more resilient to energy disruptions and lower carbon dioxide emissions. This proved useful during the 2019 wildfire season when utility companies shut down power for millions of residents. The tribe is now helping other Native reserves to build their own microgrid systems.

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