Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Health App That Beat Hurricane Harvey

    For patients with tuberculosis, it is vital that they take their medicine consistently and on schedule, even after they are no longer contagious, which can be time consuming and expensive for public health departments to manage. Teleconferencing has helped people remember to take their medications, even during a disaster like Hurricane Harvey.

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  • My Perfect Country: Cuba

    Following a devastating hurricane in the early 1960s, Cuba created a model disaster preparedness infrastructure that includes excellent forecasting, education in schools and promoting a culture of nationwide training where everyone has a role to play. The country also focuses on caring for the most vulnerable in disasters and there have been far fewer deaths in many storms compared to other countries. But the size of Hurricane Irma has challenged Cuba's ability to deal with larger, faster storms.

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  • Cuba: Hurricane preparation

    Cuba has one of the world’s lowest storm fatality rates in part because citizens learn how to prepare and respond to hurricanes beginning in elementary school. Children know where to go in an evacuation, neighbors open their homes to those in need, local leaders distribute supplies, and vulnerable people such as those with disabilities are assisted early.

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  • In Harvey's wake, Dutch have much to teach Houston

    Moving away from brute force and impermeable dams, projects that focus on spatial planning and long-term investment in dynamic infrastructure projects prove more resilient to flooding and natural disasters. In the Netherlands, the Room for the River project is one part of the country’s comprehensive approach toward protecting its citizens from the threat of floods. Instead of relying on private flood insurance, citizens in the Netherland’s pay higher taxes, which help to fund water management projects.

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  • The Japanese Tsunami, 2011

    Two schools in Japan experienced the 2011 tsunami completely differently. After the earthquake, students in Kamaishi immediately took off running to get to higher ground, ahead of even their teachers. Meanwhile in Okawa, students evacuated to a playground and awaited further instructions. All but four people died at the Okawa school while everyone from the Kamaishi school survived. The contrast shows the importance of training people to take their own initiative when the unexpected strikes.

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  • How a custom Microsoft app is helping the Caribbean rebuild after hurricanes

    Bringing data analysis technology into post-disaster scenarios can improve methods of allocating funding for disaster relief and reconstruction projects. The UN and Microsoft have partnered to develop the Building Damage Assessment app. Teams on the ground can use the software package to collect and analyze data, which can then be easily disseminated and shared with policymakers.

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  • Officials patched and prayed while pressure built on Houston's dams

    Following Hurricane Harvey, Houston officials are taking steps to better prepare the city for flooding. Two damns, Addicks and Barker, have long been in need of repairs to increase their capacity and resilience, and after decades of putting it off – and thousands of homes flooded – the city is hoping to invest in one of the large-scale remedies that have been recommended in the past.

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  • Harvey overwhelmed some levee systems. Future storms could do worse.

    The aftermath of Hurricane Harvey left many Houston residents questioning the efficacy of one of the city’s only protections, the Levee Improvement Districts (LID), responsible for providing flood protection. In neighborhoods prone to flooding, there has been much debate about the actual protection the current levees provide, leading many to call for solutions like the expansion of the LIDs through elections (rather than appointees) or raising the levees.

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  • How Do I Protect My Students from Gun Violence?

    Preventing school shootings is difficult, but there are basic strategies that can curtail them and lessen loss of life. Those include limiting school access and making all visitors check in, ensuring intercoms and other technology work, but also working to prevent suicide so someone doesn't engage in a shooting to get themselves killed. Schools also need procedures in place for any crisis to ensure everyone is communicating and coordinating and children are reunited with approved family members.

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  • The Missing Maps

    In Malawi and other countries around the world, thousands of towns are not mapped. There is often no financial incentive to do so. However, unmapped areas face many challenges, especially because they are harder to reach after a natural disaster. Missing Maps is trying to help. The project holds map-a-thons in cities such as Beirut and London, and these events use the power of communities to map the world on a massive scale. Over 45,000 volunteers have mapped the homes of over 50 million people in less than three years.

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