Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • This Is How We Can Tackle Climate Change, Even With a Denier in Chief

    With little action happening to reverse or prepare for climate change at the federal level, local communities have taken initiative on their own. From voters in Flagstaff passing a $10 million bond to bolster forest management to the city of Tulsa buying over 1,000 flood-prone properties, across the United States people are taking non- or bi-partisan steps to increase their towns’ resilience. Core to each initiative is not a parachute, one-size-fits-all approach, rather, it’s taking a hyper-local approach, centering community strength, and moving disadvantaged populations to the forefront.

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  • Lessons from Christchurch: 4 key ways Seattle can prepare for earthquake devastation

    A magnitude 6.3 earthquake that struck Christchurch, New Zealand, in 2011 laid waste to much of the city and killed 185 people. Although on the opposite side of the world, Seattle is home to strikingly similar buildings and structures that have been identified as at-risk to the shallow faults under them. There is opportunity for the Washington city to learn from the disaster in New Zealand - before it's too late.

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  • Can cutting down trees protect New Mexico's water?

    New Mexico adapts an innovative forestry idea from Quito, Ecuador, to prevent unpredictable and untamable forest fires. The application of this idea, called the Rio Grande Water Fund, raises money around the Rio Grande valley to pay for the thinning of overgrown forests on private and public lands. When trees are thinned out in dense areas, it's more difficult for fires to jump from the ground to the tree tops, which inhibits the rapid spreading of flames we've seen in recent years.

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  • Preparing cities for warmer and wetter weather

    Pennsylvania is the second most flood prone state in the United States. Many city and county governments, however, are working to prevent and protect the state from detrimental damage. They have created sustainable infrastructure initiatives and flood insurance policies to plan and prepare for flooding.

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  • The Farm that Grows Climate Solutions

    A small agricultural co-op in the mountains of Veracruz, Mexico, has effectively implemented its own approach to climate change. The community adapts the main sector of its economy and livelihood-- farming-- to sustainable practices. "Las Cañadas" has increased the food security and health of the local community while simultaneously decreasing deforestation, soil degradation and carbon emissions.

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  • First Report on Multifamily Solar with Storage Shows Positive ROI

    As climate change and burgeoning development contribute to more frequent and bigger natural disasters, often senior, disabled, and low-income residents are stranded in their homes after a big storm without power to run elevators or regulate temperatures for medicines. Research is showing that multifamily, renewable energy storage systems provide a viable and reliable source of clean, emergency backup power for these populations in event of an emergency.

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  • Climate change crusade goes local

    Around the globe, countries have taken actions that have helped reduce carbon emissions and increase the use of renewable energy. Although the state of Florida feels the effects of climate change, its state representatives have not produced policy addressing it. Local policy makers and organizers have made the biggest difference in the state.

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  • Bangladesh volunteers learn to make a life-or-death difference in a disaster

    In the wake of the Rana Plaza collapse, Bangladeshi civilians—often first on the scene of disasters in poorer countries–are being trained to support emergency teams.

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  • Disaster training in Bangladesh: What to do when the earth starts shaking

    Disaster drills save lives. A UN program is bringing earthquake preparedness training to 4,600 teachers in Bangladesh who are expected to relay the information to administrators, students, parents, and fellow teachers. Similar efforts are happening in schools across Asia to spread practical knowledge about what to do when disaster strikes

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  • How Australians survived a 13-year drought by going low-tech

    In the face of a prolonged drought, residents of Melbourne, Australia, cut water consumption in half by capturing rainwater and using efficient toilets and washing machines.

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