Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Why Intergenerational Thinking Is Essential to Heal the Planet

    Prioritizing intergenerational thinking allows current generations to make long-term decisions that help prevent urgent issues like climate change from having severe, irreversible impacts on future generations. For example, elders of the Indigenous Khasi community built living root bridges for future environmental and transportation benefits, despite never seeing the fruits of their labor. Now, at least 150 of the ancient bridges still exist to be used by the community today.

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  • Time to make disaster response training mandatory?

    The Bangladesh Red Crescent Society teaches and trains volunteers in disaster response preparedness, like how to use search and rescue equipment, how to make improvised stretchers and various emergency rescue methods. The organization has a total of 68 units and has trained 13,336 volunteers since its formation in the 1970s.

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  • Facing floods: What the world can learn from Bangladesh's climate solutions

    An early warning system in Bangladesh that uses a mix of technology and community connections is saving lives during storms and natural disasters. The mixture includes increased storm tracking, climate change mitigation solutions, and information-sharing systems that reach even the most remote areas. An essential part of the solution comes in the form of human capital - a human chain of communication that spreads the warnings across villages by word of mouth.

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  • How this Nigerian state is minimising the risk of flooding

    The Gombe State Environmental and Protection Agency in Nigeria cleared waste from waterways in metropolitan areas to increase the flow of water and mitigate flood risk.

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  • Mutually Assured Survival: New Orleans groups are rethinking disaster aid from the grassroots up

    Groups like the Mutual Aid – New Orleans Facebook group take a community-focused approach to disaster response and gather volunteers to deliver supplies to those in need in the aftermath of disasters like hurricanes and flooding. Frustrated by slow and oftentimes nonexistent government aid, these communities are taking matters into their own hands to effectively provide relief to fellow residents when disaster strikes.

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  • A ‘climate solution' that spies worry could trigger war

    The solar geoengineering practice of spraying sulfur into the sky with airplanes could shield the earth from the sun’s rays and cool global temperatures similar to a volcanic explosion.

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  • Facing Unique Challenges, Rural Communities Find Unique Solutions to Protect Against Wildfire Smoke Exposure

    The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection installs air-quality sensors in rural communities to address monitoring deserts where wildfire smoke affects communities but there is no data available on the exact air quality measures. The organization then works with trusted community sources, like libraries, to run public awareness campaigns and educate locals on protection measures.

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  • Climate disasters hit poor people hardest. There's an obvious solution to that.

    An effective way to help those most vulnerable to climate disasters is by providing just-in-time cash transfers right before a disaster hits for them to use as they see fit for resilience and climate change adaptation.

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  • Community Land Trusts Build Climate-Resilient Affordable Housing

    Community land trusts are nonprofits that buy land, build homes, and ensure the long-term affordability of the homes they build. A trust in Florida is not only ensuring homes stay affordable after natural disasters it is also focused on building units that can withstand storms so families do not need to rebuild.

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  • Moving Entire Towns to Escape Climate Change

    A buyout program in Charlotte, North Carolina, pays residents to move out of areas with high flood risk. The program is a form of managed retreat, a practice in which people choose to move away from climate-related threats.

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