Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Why Singapore is better prepared to handle COVID-19 than SARS

    After Singapore eradicated SARS in 2003, the country put into motion a series of protocols and practices in case of another outbreak. Now, as coronavirus sweeps the world, the country has been able to take quick actions, such as 3D printing face masks and quickly developing a reliable diagnostic test, to mitigate the spread.

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  • While other countries lost precious time, Taiwan mobilised to keep COVID-19 at bay

    In Taiwan, a combination of "early intervention and a well-oiled command structure" have helped to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. Measures such a public health hotline, temperature check points, enhanced hygiene protocols, integrated databases, and a diversion of funds and military personnel towards making protective masks, all worked together to slow the spread and offer lessons to the countries still fighting an increasing caseload.

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  • How the disease detectives on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic track an outbreak

    The CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service Program trains individuals how to perform contact tracing in order to help slow the spread of infectious diseases. Success from this strategy has been reported in South Korea regarding the coronavirus, and now the U.S. officers are deploying to find out more about "how contagious it is, how it spreads, the severity of the illness, what groups are most likely to be affected."

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  • Commitment, transparency pay off as South Korea limits COVID-19 spread

    Weeks before the coronavirus outbreak was declared to be a pandemic, Seoul, and other parts of South Korea set into motion a combination of "prevention and mitigation programs" that are now being touted as lessons for other countries struggling to contain the virus. Using technological advancements such as a national mobile phone alert system and mobile phone applications along with increased transparency around data collected, new reports of cases have slowed allowing the country to prepare for a potential surge later on.

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  • How South Korea Scaled Coronavirus Testing While the U.S. Fell Dangerously Behind

    South Korea is emerging as a model for many countries battling the spread of coronavirus, thanks to the country's quick response to initiate widespread testing and contact tracing methodology. Having learned from what failed during the outbreak in 2015, the country has been able to keep their death toll under 1 percent, unlike many other countries battling the pandemic.

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  • South Korea Shows World How to Slow Spread of Coronavirus

    South Korea has taken a softer approach to preventing and containing the coronavirus, in large part because they’ve prioritized accessible testing and have an already-existing strong and affordable healthcare system. Beyond that, the government has centered on citizen education – sending daily updates about new cases and provided a hotline for questions and concerns.

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  • How this South Korean company created coronavirus test kits in three weeks

    South Korean molecular biotech company, Seegene, created, tested, and received approval for a COVID19 test kit in just three weeks. Using a supercomputer’s big data system and taking advantage of the Disease Control & Prevention’s newly expedited approval process, the company is now making 10,000 tests each week, costing just under $20 each.

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  • Singapore Wins Praise For Its COVID-19 Strategy. The U.S. Does Not

    As countries respond in different ways to the COVID19 pandemic, those with systematic government approaches have proven to be strongest thus far. Places like Hong Kong and Singapore created immediate systems for testing and quarantining, putting quick pressure on stopping the spread of the novel coronavirus. On the opposite end, places like Iran and the United States have fared worse because of a lack of immediate response and capacity for testing.

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  • South Korea shows that democracies can succeed against the coronavirus

    While many countries are struggling to control the spread of the recent coronavirus outbreak, South Korea has reported a decline in daily caseloads due to their rapid and comprehensive response. By expanding testing sites to include drive-throughs, canceling events and implementing more thorough testing protocols in their international airport, the country has offered lessons for others who have not yet determined a course of action.

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  • Taiwan has millions of visitors from China and only 45 coronavirus cases. Here's how.

    Situated less than 90 miles from China, the coronavirus outbreak could have been critical in Taiwan, but the country's proactive measures helped to stave off the worst of the disease. Having learned from SARS epidemic, Taiwan had prepared for future situations by creating a comprehensive command center and implementing a transparent communication strategy both of which have helped slow the spread of Covid-19.

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