Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Colombia's peace agreement is the world's first to have gender at its core

    Colombia’s 2016 peace accord has a chapter on gender and sections specifically responsive to women’s needs, such as an affirmation of women’s right to own land and the establishment of a special unit to investigate conflict-related sexual violence. These provisions, a result of trailblazing inclusion of women and LGBTQ groups in the peace process, break new ground in recognizing the gendered impacts of armed conflict.

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  • How a custom Microsoft app is helping the Caribbean rebuild after hurricanes

    Bringing data analysis technology into post-disaster scenarios can improve methods of allocating funding for disaster relief and reconstruction projects. The UN and Microsoft have partnered to develop the Building Damage Assessment app. Teams on the ground can use the software package to collect and analyze data, which can then be easily disseminated and shared with policymakers.

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  • Build, flood, rebuild: flood insurance's expensive cycle

    What was originally conceived of to help protect homes from flooding has instead trapped homeowners in an endless cycle of filing claims and rebuilding their homes. The National Flood Insurance Program was supposed to discourage development in flooding zones and ease the costs after disasters. With lobbying money and power from developers, realtors associations, and others with vested interests, any opportunity to redesign the system through Congress have haven’t gone far.

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  • Yachters Are Sailing to the Rescue of Hurricane-Ravaged Islands

    The 2017 hurricane season resulted in damage to the Caribbean. YachtAid and Superyacht Aid Coalition are comprised of people who volunteer their yachts to bring supplies and aid to these damaged regions.

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  • 'Making war is easier than making peace': in conversation with Colombia's President Santos

    The rights of victims are at the center of Colombia’s peace agreement. These rights include those to reparations, justice, non-repetition, and truth. This choice - as well as investment in education, health, infrastructure, and technology - is helping the country recover from decades of armed conflict.

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  • Grit and the gridiron rescue a town

    Refugio, Texas was ravaged by Hurricane Harvey, leaving behind damaged houses, schools and businesses and people who can not afford to rebuild their lives. However, this town has used its community and found strength in their love of football and their support of one another to keep moving forward.

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  • Meet the women combing through Puerto Rico, searching for veterans in need

    One group of women roams shelters searching for Puerto Rican vets after Hurricane Maria, where there are “around 75,000 US Army veterans living.” “This is Americans helping Americans. These veterans were stationed in the US, went to war with the US. I think that’s the thing that people forget.”

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  • Abandoned at Burning Man, bicycles now head for Houston and the Caribbean

    Many argue that the Burning Man festival has become an exclusive and wasteful indulgence for the wealthy - an opinion that was exacerbated this year when thousands of perfectly good bicycles were left among the debris in the desert. But a few enterprising individuals and organizations saw an opportunity to aid the victims of hurricanes Irma and Maria by rescuing, fixing, and transporting the abandoned bikes to communities where many people had lost all other forms of transportation, stifling their recovery efforts. Now hope is being restored for some, two wheels at a time.

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  • Innovative but dull: disaster insurance is starting to pay off

    When disasters, such as hurricanes and earthquakes, strike the recovery can be very expensive. Insurance has been found to be key in order to quickly get funds to help relief efforts.

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  • Inside the Organization Helping Immigrant Communities Survive Hurricane Harvey

    Ethnically-specific disaster relief services are especially prudent in the city of Houston where more than one in five residents report speaking English less than "very well." An organization called Boat People SOS (formed in the 1980s to aid Vietnam War refugees coming by boat) is providing critical support to the Vietnamese population in the city, directing them to shelters, hospitals, food, and even FEMA funds later on. This article talks about the role the nonprofit played in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

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