Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The long shot that saved Belize's coral

    After a hurricane hit the coast of Belize in 2001, it essentially destroyed the coral reefs in Laughing Bird Caye National Park. Lisa Carne wanted to start transplanting coral to regrow the reefs, but it took five years to secure funding to start her project. Restoring coral reefs is a lot of effort, so she founded a nonprofit called Fragments of Hope that hired local residents to help. Because of her efforts, over 85,000 corals have been planted and 89 percent of them survived after 14 years, The techniques used are being applied in other countries like Colombia, Jamaica, and St. Barts.

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  • As Paradise Rebuilds, It's Also Preparing for the Next Fire

    After the 2018 Camp Fire that tore through the town of Paradise, California, local residents are starting to rebuild. As of April, the town issued nearly 1,500 building permits. They’re also implementing a plan to remove trees that pose a safety concern for residents, which has been an extensive coordination effort between federal, state, and local government officials. Housing prices in the area have increased significantly making it difficult for some people to rebuild, but some organizations are working to help those that want to return to the area.

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  • Vanuatu looks to local food production for a resilient future

    As the small island nation of Vanuatu emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic and the aftermath of a tropical cyclone, entrepreneur Votausi Lucyann Mackenzie-Reur argues that they need to focus on local ingredients to be able to respond to future crises. Oxfam is also doing work in this region by using blockchain technology to improve food purchasing power for people affected by disasters. “Food security, climate change, and biodiversity can all be tackled by promoting and advocating the use of local traditional foods,” says Mackenzie-Reur.

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  • Corn Farmers Upend Tradition to Reduce Air Pollution

    After a drought left cattle farmers in Mexico without grass to feed its animals, a unique partnership with corn farmers allowed them to use their leftover stalks and leaves. Usually, the farmers burn these materials, known as stover, which contributes to air pollution. This partnership was facilitated by the government and allowed the corn farmers to sell their leftovers to the cattle farmers. As a result, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide emissions dropped significantly, and a new market for these materials is emerging.

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  • Community restores grasslands in Lamkani, making the village drought-resilient

    The village of Lamkani, in India, was lush but became barren after years of droughts. In 2000, Dhananjay Newadkar, initiated a multi-pronged approach that was supported by the community. It included watershed development, a ban on grazing and felling trees. However, the bans were not enforced. Instead, artists incorporated messages about conservation in their performances and educated the community. Finally, the grasslands were restored through rotational grazing. Now, the town is water-sufficient, even in droughts.

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  • Mississippi Failed its Residents During a Crisis, So They Helped Themselves

    Grassroots organizers filled the gap left by local and state governments in the wake of back-to-back winter storms in Mississippi. Community organizers like the People’s Advocacy Institute stepped in to provide basic necessities, wellness checks, food boxes, and water. The organizers are also pressuring elected officials to “prioritize the well-being of the community” by updating infrastructure in order to prevent another disaster.

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  • The Clever Architectural Feature That Makes Life on Bermuda Possible

    There is no natural freshwater source on Bermuda, so residents turn to rainfall as a way to fulfill their water needs. The white limestone Bermuda roofs are used to catch and redirect rain into underground tanks that serve as their primary source of freshwater. Droughts happen, which has led to other solutions, but the limestone roofs are still primarily their largest source of freshwater.

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  • Simple hand-built structures can help streams survive wildfires and drought

    Conservationists, government agencies, scientists, and landowners are working together to restore streams using low-cost solutions from sticks, stones, and even beavers. Restoring these floodplains is important to help communities combat drought and wildfires. In Idaho, scientists relocated nine beavers to Birch Creek so they could help repair the dried-up stream. In three years, the beavers built dams, which helped the creek flow for longer in the summer. This method might not work everywhere, so scientists have also tested stone structures, which also proved effective at improving the ecosystem.

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  • A village to nourish a child: FHI360 community structures provide nutrition for children in Borno

    FHI360 is an initiative, supported by grassroots and international partnerships, providing healthcare to Internally Displaced Peoples in four locations. The nourishment of pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as their children, is a main focus. The group disseminates information and provides nutrition counseling in both one-on-one and community support group settings. They also offer vitamins and micronutrient supplements to women and children and create safe breastfeeding spaces and safe spaces for women who have been victims of gender-based violence.

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  • Rescuers take advantage of mental health services during tragic year

    First responders who face devastating emergency response outcomes in Wyoming are finding support through the Teton Interagency Peer Support group. The group anonymously connects the first responders with trauma-informed counselors – so far, 135 people have utilized the service.

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