Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Planting Trees to Help Dallas Breathe

    In 2016, the Texas Trees Foundation and federal Trust for Public Land partnered to use GIS technology in greening Dallas, Texas, and plant some 1,000 trees to start. Not only does the initiative reduce respiratory problems like asthma--over the next 40 years, the new tree cover is expected to create about $2.9 million in environmental benefits, sucking around 250 tons of CO2 from the air and capturing around 4 million gallons of stormwater.

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  • Win For Wetlands: Program Helps Farmers Conserve More Flood-Prone Land

    For landowners living in close to proximity to the Mississippi River, this means continuously facing the impacts of unexpected flooding. The Wetland Reserve Enhancement Program offers the farmers on these lands the opportunity to protect and restore the wetlands in order to reduce the side effects of living in flood territory.

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  • 3,000 Rohingya refugees train to tackle natural disasters

    Bangladesh has become a leader in disaster preparedness through its strategy of training thousands of community members to give early warnings on cyclones and other disasters. This approach has saved thousands of lives and has become a model for other countries. Now the country is training Rohingya refugees living in Bangladeshi camps after fleeing persecution in Myanmar to do similar work as they face threats of widespread damage due to cyclones.

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  • School arsons: Fire experts say problem could be poor solutions

    The Elide Fire Ball is an orb filled with fire suppressant designed to explode in seconds when it comes into contact with fire. Fire balls are easy to use, can be used preventatively by placing them where fires might break out, and do not have to be maintained and tested like traditional fire extinguishers.

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  • Stopping Wildfires in Their Tracks

    As wildfires have become increasingly more pronounced due to climate change which primes areas to burn, lands and communities are being destroyed all over the world. To have a chance for survival, projects throughout Spain and North America are working towards landscape adaptation that makes the areas apt to resisting forest fire.

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  • A simple solution to help cities fight overheating: more trees

    Trees are an effective bulwark against summer heat, providing shade and cooling the air as water evaporates from leaves. A collaborative project mapped heat and other considerations in Dallas and picked the neighborhood of Oak Cliff to plant more than 1,000 trees. The ultimate goal is to revegetate the entire city.

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  • Seeking the Lost

    Los Angeles County is offering trackable bracelets in a voluntary program for people with conditions—such as autism and dementia—that can lead to wandering and becoming lost. In this way, people who may have difficulty remembering or communicating information such as a telephone number or home address can be safely found by first responders.

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  • How New Orleans Is Helping Its Students Succeed

    Calling New Orleans' post-Katrina school reform "the most ambitious education overhaul in modern America," journalist David Leonhardt outlines what he sees as the two main pillars holding up New Orleans' success -- autonomy and accountability. Leonhardt writes, "New Orleans is a great case study partly because it avoids many of the ambiguities of other education reform efforts. The charters here educate almost all public-school students, so they can’t cherry pick." Can other districts, who aren't starting from scratch, learn from the city's remarkable progress?

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  • The Bricks Helping to Rebuild Gaza

    To rebuild Gaza, Green Cake manufactures construction blocks out of locally-available ash and rubble. It’s a low-cost and reliable alternative to importing supplies from Israel.

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  • A unique nature insurance policy aims to preserve Mexico's Great Mayan Reef

    Coral reefs can dramatically reduce the power of a wave's energy, making the impact of severe storms (such as hurricanes) less devastating. In order for this to work, however, the coral reefs have to be healthy. In Mexico, the government and The Nature Conservancy have collaborated with a reinsurance firm, reef engineers and oceanographers to figure out how to create an insurance plan that uses tourism dollars to guarantee reefs will restored should they be harmed.

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