Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Network Effect: The Robots, Sensors and Satellites Digitizing the Ocean

    Despite advancements in technology in most sectors of life leading to an increase to access of information about practically anything, little is still known about the ocean and its behavioral patterns. Liquid Robotics – a Silicon Valley-based company – is trying to change that. Engineers here have created the "Wave Glider," which essentially acts as a router within the ocean powered by wave energy and solar panels. This invention can transmit data on tectonic activity that has the potential to predict tsunamis.

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  • The Big Payoff From Restoring Coastal Wetlands When Hurricanes Strike

    Hurricanes and big storms have the power to cause damage and death to the areas affected, and building barriers is expensive. Coastal restoration could be a better alternative, rebuilding green infrastructure to help break up waves and storm power before it reaches land.

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  • How good government can limit hurricane damage

    A look at how improved policies and procedures can help prevent the catastrophic amounts of property damage caused by the increasingly frequent "super storms" like hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Cities like New York and Philadelphia may offer creative development models that coastal cities in the path of future storms can emulate.

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  • Cameroon cleanup lets flood-hit residents sleep with "both eyes closed"

    The neighborhood of Nkolbikok in Cameroon was facing a trash collection problem. With garbage accumulating regularly in the streets, water drains were being blocked causing severe flooding when it would rain. To help reduce the likelihood of flooding, community members started Tam Tam Mobile, a resident-run daily trash pickup and removal service.

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  • In flood-prone South Asia, early warning systems buy precious time

    South Asia is prone to flooding during monsoon season, this can lead to deaths and building damage. SMS warning systems have recently been implemented in order to warn residents when they are in danger, the system has a lot of room to grow but it has proven to be helpful in reducing deaths.

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  • Inside the Organization Helping Immigrant Communities Survive Hurricane Harvey

    Ethnically-specific disaster relief services are especially prudent in the city of Houston where more than one in five residents report speaking English less than "very well." An organization called Boat People SOS (formed in the 1980s to aid Vietnam War refugees coming by boat) is providing critical support to the Vietnamese population in the city, directing them to shelters, hospitals, food, and even FEMA funds later on. This article talks about the role the nonprofit played in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

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  • Fiji's Climate Champion Speaks Up for Women in the Wake of Cyclones

    After a huge cyclone devastated a remote Fijian village, Eta Tuvuki worked to open communication channels between women and public officials. Her efforts are not only making women's voices heard, but they allow for the dispersal of critical information during disasters.

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  • Instead Of Water Fights, This Ga. Water Agency Shares Its Supply

    Water wars have become a norm throughout the United States as droughts become more prominent due to climate change. By releasing more water back into the environment than required to by law, however, Fayette County has become a model for how lack of greediness and push for collaboration benefits not only the environment but also people and industries.

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  • Amid persistent drought, a nation of herders plots a new course

    In the face of severe drought and one of the worst humanitarian crises since World War II, nations on the Horn of Africa are fighting to stave off famine and the spread of disease. Some places, like Somaliland, have been able to apply techniques learned in the severe famines of the 80s to increase their chances of survival. Many once-nomadic tribes are now settling into farming with some help of the government and a few non-profits, trading in livestock for more secure sources of fresh water, and learning new agricultural trades to keep their families - and hope - alive.

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  • ‘Neighborhood Mothers' Share Integration Wisdom with Refugees

    Germany has welcomed many refugees in recent years, and programs across the country are trying to help integrate them as quickly as possible. 'Neighbourhood Mothers' is one such program of migrant women who mentor new refugees.

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