Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Listopad v Německu

    Do Německa přicházejí každým dnem tisíce uprchlíků. Jen v roce 2015 jich země přijala zhruba milion. Tato situace přináší do různých oblastí Německa nové výzvy, kterým musí místní čelit. Ve městě Stuttgard zase s integrací uprchlíků, kteří nemají kde bydlet, pomáhají 3 tisíce dobrovolníků. Východoněmecké město Halle krizi s ubytováním imigrantů vyřešilo tak, že jim vyhradilo celý hotel v centru města. To vadí části místních, podle kterých jde o „příliš luxusní“ bydlení. Panuje zde často vyhrocená debata.

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  • Lifelong Heroes: Meet The Vets Who Rebuild Communities After Disasters

    Team Rubicon, a non-profit organization of military veterans that provides disaster relief, has provided relief after flooding in Detroit, tornadoes in Oklahoma, a typhoon in the Philippines and an earthquake in Nepal, among dozens of other communities across the globe.

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  • First Report on Multifamily Solar with Storage Shows Positive ROI

    As climate change and burgeoning development contribute to more frequent and bigger natural disasters, often senior, disabled, and low-income residents are stranded in their homes after a big storm without power to run elevators or regulate temperatures for medicines. Research is showing that multifamily, renewable energy storage systems provide a viable and reliable source of clean, emergency backup power for these populations in event of an emergency.

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  • Meet the Giant Rats That Are Sniffing out Landmines

    APOPO, an international nonprofit, has trained Gambian pouched rats to sniff out landmines in countries across the world. These rats have terrible vision, but an amazing sense of smell and have cleared over 13,000 mines since 1997. Training the rats takes about nine months, and includes socializing, teaching them how to walk on a rope in the field, and of course, how to sniff out miniscule amounts of TNT.

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  • Drought survival: What Australia's changes can teach California

    In Australia, what came to be known as the Big Dry dragged on for 13 punishing years. By the time the rains finally returned in 2010, the country had utterly changed in ways that California — with a similar landscape and economy, struggling to cope after four years of its own epic drought — could learn from.

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  • Cities are finally treating water as a resource, not a nuisance

    Cities across the world, suffering from increased threats of floods and droughts due to climate change, are finding new ways to manage water, such as reclaiming natural waterways and increasing on spot water absorption.

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  • Radio Vietnam in America's Heartland Serves Growing Community

    A woman named MaiLy Do started a Vietnamese-language radio show in Oklahoma City after she realized on Sept. 11, 2001 that her family back home with limited English had no way of finding out if she was okay. Today the station broadcasts for 24 hours across the US and 40 other countries. It offers a voice to the Vietnamese-American population in Oklahoma City and is also essential in disseminating critical information to residents who have limited English skills.

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  • Exporting Clothes, Importing Safety

    Bangladesh, whose garment industry is second only to China’s in size, is responding to both international and domestic pressure and undergoing the most radical revamping of worker safety it has ever seen, in large part due to consumer and client pressure.

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  • In Aleppo, cell phones are helping some desperate Syrians find clean water

    In war zones, people have a difficult time finding clean water and safe areas to inhabit. Social media, smart phones, and technology applications are aiding in people’s survival. In Aleppo, Syria, the International Committee of the Red Cross posted a map on Facebook to show alternative sources of clean drinking water that reached approximately 140,000 people.

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  • Climate change crusade goes local

    Around the globe, countries have taken actions that have helped reduce carbon emissions and increase the use of renewable energy. Although the state of Florida feels the effects of climate change, its state representatives have not produced policy addressing it. Local policy makers and organizers have made the biggest difference in the state.

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