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  • 4 lessons the US should learn from Italy's coronavirus mistakes

    Given the failure by both the United States and Italy to contain the coronavirus spread soon enough to forestall more extreme measures, the U.S. in the early weeks of its outbreak had much to learn from Italy's mistakes, and from its eventual successes. Among the most critical mistakes: not taking the spread of the virus seriously enough soon enough, and taking half-steps toward locking down hot spots. Italy's Veneto region modeled good practices, including extensive testing and tracing, keeping all but the most critical cases out of hospitals, and strict monitoring of front-line workers.

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  • Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore: Lessons for Canada in fighting Covid-19

    When faced with the coronavirus pandemic, a number of countries around the world "opted for delayed containment strategies," but countries such as Taiwan and Hong Kong, which took the opposite approach, have seen more success with mitigating the spread. The governments in these countries implemented many aggressive initiatives that were aimed at widespread testing, restricted travel, and contact tracing.

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  • Coronavirus Slowdown in Seattle Suggests Restrictions Are Working

    After learning of the first cases of coronavirus that weren't contracted by direct exposure or from foreign travel, officials in Washington took quick and strict measures to start introducing social distancing, which may have helped slow the transmission. Although the hospitals are low on supplies, they have not yet been "overrun," indicating that modeling and widespread testing, along with limiting human-to-human interactions and gatherings, were all beneficial parts of the strategy to slow the spread.

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  • Germany has a remarkably low coronavirus death rate — thanks largely to mass testing, but also culture, luck, and an impressive healthcare system

    Germany has been able to keep the death rate comparatively low during the coronavirus pandemic thanks to a multi-faceted approach. Although the numbers could change as the virus spreads, thus far decentralizing testing, a strong healthcare system and enforcing lockdowns with fines are a few of the ways that are showing promise in the country.

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  • Germany Has Relatively Few Deaths From Coronavirus. Why?

    Although Germany has reported over 50,000 cases of coronavirus, the country is seeing a lesser death toll from the pandemic as compared to other countries. Like other countries working to contain the spread, Germany was quick to enact widespread testing a persistent contact tracing, but the country also implemented early measures to protect the more senior residents which has kept the infection rate low for this highly susceptible population.

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  • COVID-19: Germany sees low fatalities despite high infection rate

    Although Germany has a high amount of coronavirus cases, their death toll is less than comparable countries which can be attributed to widespread testing and a prepared health care system. The hospitals have been able to avoid a "mass influx of patients at the same time," due to a large number of dedicated intensive care units and repurposing military facilities to increase capacity.

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  • New Rochelle, Once a Coronavirus Hot Spot, May Now Offer Hope

    New York state's quick actions to create a containment zone around New Rochelle after an early outbreak of coronavirus cases are proving successful. “Everybody talks about flattening the curve, and I think that’s exactly what we were able to do,” one local health official noted.

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  • Coronavirus: What can the world learn from South Korea?

    South Korea, despite being a close neighbor to China, where the COVID-19 outbreak originated, managed to build a swift public health and government response that may have lessons for other countries fighting the pandemic. The country mobilized mass testing with quick results, allowed public health messages to come from scientists rather than politicians, and used data to track movements before the outbreak and ensure quarantine compliance was followed - which have all contributed to a lower death rate and slower spread of the virus without needing to shut down the economy.

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  • Wyoming doc works around COVID-19 testing bottleneck

    Wyoming has figured out how to solve one problem slowing down COVID-19 testing; doctors are using medical saline solution as a substitute for more common viral transport mediums, which are now in short supply. The World Health Organization and Center for Disease Control and Protection have approved the use of this simpler method during the evolving pandemic.

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  • How South Korea Reined In The Outbreak Without Shutting Everything Down

    South Korea, Singapore, and Hong Kong have all acted in ways that show it is possible to effectively manage the COVID-19 outbreak without shutting down an entire country. The common thread may be that all three countries have dealt with previous coronaviruses: MERS and SARS. This helped them start testing early, limit travel effectively, and track movement and subsequently quarantine people who came into contact with the virus - thus limiting the spread and keeping infected numbers relatively low.

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