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  • The Virus Can Be Stopped, but Only With Harsh Steps, Experts Say

    Countries that have more recently fought against communicable and infectious disease outbreaks, such as China, are offering lessons about potential ways to slow the spread of COVID-19. Stricter and more efficient guidance around testing protocols, retrofitting hospitals to triage potential virus carriers, and training volunteers to do "ground-level but crucial medical tasks," are all practices that have shown to have helped slow the spread in countries outside of the U.S.

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  • A region in Japan launched its own coronavirus fight. It's now called a ‘model' in local action.

    In Japan, the southwestern region of Kansai is less predicated by government oversight and relies more strongly on independence. In the Wakayama prefecture, that attitude has resulted in the region's leaders implementing an independent approach to battling the coronavirus outbreak. The approach, which utilizes widespread testing and contact tracing, is now being regarded by other regions as a model of success.

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  • What can the West learn from Asia's coronavirus fight?

    As the West continues to battle the spread of coronavirus, countries like Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan offer lessons in what's working to flatten the curve. Although some measures such as early intervention and social distancing are more difficult to implement after the spread has begun, other tactics such as contact tracing and clear communication also have proven impactful.

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  • UC Davis Medical Center unveils own coronavirus rapid testing

    The UC Davis Medical Center in California is piloting an internal rapid test to more efficiently detect coronavirus. Although it is still in its early stages, the development is allowing the medical professionals to test 20 critically ill people per day and get results in-house, rather than taking crucial time to send the test to an external laboratory.

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  • South Korea took rapid, intrusive measures against Covid-19 – and they worked

    As South Korea became aware of the enevetible spread of the coronavirus, the government was able to quickly act due to having an emergency plan in place from battling the SARS epidemic in 2003. This allowed for the testing to be conducted early on – and not just those exhibiting symptoms – and also activated a temporary provision that offered a subsidy to those that had to self-isolate.

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  • Can't Get Tested? Maybe You're in the Wrong Country

    The coronavirus pandemic has been contained in varying degrees depending on the country, but early data is showing that the countries which decentralized their approach to testing manufacturing have faired better at mitigation. Unlike the U.S. and U.K which were both hesitant to implement proactive measures and chose a centralized approach to testing, Australia, Korea, and Singapore "turned to networks of public and private laboratories to develop tests," which helped more people get tested as a faster pace.

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  • South Korea's ‘phone booth' coronavirus tests

    To prevent the transmission of coronavirus to medical professionals and other patients, a hospital in Seoul has started using a make-shift phone booth approach to administering tests. Within seven minutes, doctors are able to communicate with the patient, conduct the test from within an air-tight booth, and then disinfect the booth, all of which have significantly improved the hospital's efficiency of administering the test.

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  • 2 regions of Italy took different approaches to fighting the coronavirus. Their results show that widespread testing and early social distancing really work.

    As the coronavirus outbreak swept Italy, two regions took two different approaches that now offer for a case study for social distancing and widespread testing. The region of Veneto, which implemented widespread testing and strict quarantine measures early on, "has seen a slower rate of increase in new cases and deaths," that the region of Lombardy which comparitively has seen their hospitals become overwhelmed.

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  • South Korea throws up innovative tech solutions in coronavirus fight

    South Korea has turned to creative measures to help contain the coronavirus pandemic, including setting up drive-through clinics sites and launching a mobile app for foreigners to monitor their health. The 50 different testing sites help to reduce the likelihood of transmission and increase efficiency for testing, while the "self-health-check mobile app" has had a high number of participants and usage rates. Local businesses and community members are also playing in role in devising creative solutions.

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  • A megachurch has helped test nearly 1,000 people for coronavirus in two days

    Birmingham, Alabama’s Church of the Highlands has opened up a drive-through COVID19 testing station that has already seen over 1,000 people. By coordinating with Alabama’s governor, the church is able to help test people who are showing symptoms and then give them directives on what to do next, whether it be to go to the hospital or go home and rest. Those with health insurance get their insurance billed, but for those without, they don’t have to pay at all.

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